[Spacewalk-list] Jabber Issues after upgrading - SOLVED

Net Warrior netwarrior863 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 15:05:19 UTC 2013


After a couple of weeks of pure pain and agony , I got it working, now
let me tell you what I've found and hope this can help someone else:

Googling around I found a user with the same error, and he said that
jabbers uses /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem certificate file
and not the one under /etc/jabberd, well, I took a look once again to
the c2s, router,sm and s2s configuration files, and I notice to begin
with that the stanza <pemfile> </pemfile> was commented, yes it was
commented, just to try I  uncommented it and leave it by default which
points to /etc/jabberd/server.pem, and after restarting the services
it failed again, so, I reflected the conf to point it  to
/etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem and it worked out.

2013/12/16 12:02:19 -03:00 26760
osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Connected to jabber server',

Thanks to all of you  for your great help and time you spent helping me.

Best regards.

2013/12/16, Daniel Souvignier <daniel.souvignier at ias.rwth-aachen.de>:
> Hi,
> you need to put the full FQDN into your /etc/syconfig/network, like
> hostname=spacewalk.example.com. Then you need to run the
> spacewalk-hostname-rename and to delete the jabberdb.Hopefully this
> helps...
> Regards,
> Daniel
> Am 16.12.2013 15:00, schrieb Net Warrior:
>> Hi Daniel
>> Removed the jabber db as I've already posted in a previous mail, after
>> that, I get this when starting osa
>> >From fedorahosted  dor org /spacewalk/wiki/JabberAndOSAD
>> /sbin/service jabberd stop ; /sbin/service osa-dispatcher stop ; rm
>> -Rf /var/lib/jabberd/db/* ; /sbin/service jabberd start ;
>> /sbin/service osa-dispatcher start
>> Starting osa-dispatcher: Spacewalk 19884 2013/12/16 10:38:56 -03:00:
>> ('Traceback caught:',)
>> Spacewalk 19884 2013/12/16 10:38:56 -03:00: ('Traceback (most recent
>> call last):\n  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 616, in
>> connect\n    ssl.do_handshake()\nError: [(\'SSL routines\',
>> \'SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE\', \'certificate verify failed\')]\n',)
>> My /etc/sysconfig/network file looks like this, which resolves to it's
>> FQDN form my network.
>> HOSTNAME=spacewalk
>> Should I run spcewalk-hostname-rename anyway?
>> Thank you very much.
>> Really appreciated your help.
>> 2013/12/16, Daniel Souvignier <daniel.souvignier at ias.rwth-aachen.de>:
>>> Hello,
>>> is jabberd configured to use the right name (saying, the name specified
>>> in the certificate)? If not, run the spcewalk-hostname-rename command
>>> after updating /etc/syconfig/network accordingly. Also, do not forget to
>>> delete the jabber database (located at /var/lib/jabberd/db/*).
>>> Regards,
>>> Daniel
>>> Am 16.12.2013 14:28, schrieb Balint Szigeti:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I don't have clue at all. You should log in to Postgres and look
>>>> around which entries belong to the jabber SSL. I never do it before,
>>>> so it's virgin aria for me.
>>>> I think, some details from the SSL is stored in the DB. FIXME ANYBODY
>>>> IF I'M WRONG!
>>>> Stupid question, but the POSIX rights are correct?
>>>> What is the error that you get?
>>>> B
>>>> On 16/12/13 13:05, Net Warrior wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Yes, it seems it connects to postgress , but the SSLError persists,
>>>>> so, what's the problem?
>>>>>> Oh, come on. According to your debug logs, the jabberd communicates
>>>>>> with PostgreSQL with SSL :( and the SQL store the SSL
>>>>>> passphrase/password.
>>>>> I re-created the server.pem with the instructions from the FreeBSD
>>>>> forum, same error, but I do not see the Loading Cert messages anymore,
>>>>> went back to the server.pem that seems to connect to the SQL server
>>>>> and stopped  logging those messages as well, and it was logging them
>>>>> by the time I tested the other certificate.
>>>>> 2013/12/16 09:34:56 -03:00 14741
>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.check_cert('Loading cert', <X509Name object
>>>>> '/C=XX/ST=XX/L=XX/O=XX/OU=XX/CN=spacewalk'>)
>>>>> Do not know why stopped logging the message above, this is driving me
>>>>> crazy.
>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> 2013/12/15, Balint Szigeti <balint.szgt at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Oh, come on. According to your debug logs, the jabberd communicates
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> PostgreSQL with SSL :( and the SQL store the SSL passphrase/password.
>>>>>> On 13/12/13 19:20, Net Warrior wrote:
>>>>>>> It's seems so..
>>>>>>>     openssl  dot org/docs/apps/s_client.html
>>>>>>> 2013/12/13 Balint Szigeti <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>       I don't know by heart, but the openssl s_client support the
>>>>>>> pem
>>>>>>>       format?
>>>>>>>       On 13/12/13 14:35, Net Warrior wrote:
>>>>>>>>       I use to test my cert, for example with openldap SSL like
>>>>>>>> this:
>>>>>>>>       openssl s_client -connect localhost:636 -showcerts -state
>>>>>>>> -CAfile
>>>>>>>>       cacert.pem and I can see all the cert information, in this
>>>>>>>> case
>>>>>>>>       (spacewalk ) I get this error:
>>>>>>>>       [root at spacewalk jabberd]# openssl s_client -connect
>>>>>>>>       localhost:5347 -showcerts -state -CAfile
>>>>>>>>       /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem
>>>>>>>>       CONNECTED(00000003)
>>>>>>>>       SSL_connect:before/connect initialization
>>>>>>>>       SSL_connect:SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
>>>>>>>>       SSL_connect:error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
>>>>>>>>       140272000374600:error:140770FC:SSL
>>>>>>>>       routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown
>>>>>>>> protocol:s23_clnt.c:766:
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       no peer certificate available
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       No client certificate CA names sent
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 263 bytes
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
>>>>>>>>       Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
>>>>>>>>       Compression: NONE
>>>>>>>>       Expansion: NONE
>>>>>>>>       [root at spacewalk jabberd]# openssl s_client -connect
>>>>>>>>       spacewalk:5222 -showcerts -state -CAfile
>>>>>>>>       /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem
>>>>>>>>       CONNECTED(00000003)
>>>>>>>>       SSL_connect:before/connect initialization
>>>>>>>>       SSL_connect:SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
>>>>>>>>       SSL_connect:error in SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
>>>>>>>>       140310952630088:error:140770FC:SSL
>>>>>>>>       routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown
>>>>>>>> protocol:s23_clnt.c:766:
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       no peer certificate available
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       No client certificate CA names sent
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 263 bytes
>>>>>>>>       ---
>>>>>>>>       New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
>>>>>>>>       Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
>>>>>>>>       Compression: NONE
>>>>>>>>       Expansion: NONE
>>>>>>>>       Thank you very much
>>>>>>>>       Regards.
>>>>>>>>       2013/12/13 Net Warrior <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>       <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>           These are the ports:
>>>>>>>> NAME
>>>>>>>>           router  14557 jabber    5u  IPv4 4404471 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>           localhost:5347 (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>           router  14557 jabber    6u  IPv4 4404555 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>           localhost:5347->localhost:46998 (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           router  14557 jabber    7u  IPv4 4404568 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>           localhost:5347->localhost:mediabox (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           c2s     14571 jabber    6u  IPv4 4404567 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>           localhost:mediabox->localhost:5347 (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           s2s     14578 jabber    6u  IPv4 4404554 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>           localhost:46998->localhost:5347 (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           router    14557   jabber    5u  IPv4 4404471 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>  <> (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>           router    14557   jabber    6u  IPv4 4404555 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>> > <>
>>>>>>>>           (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           router    14557   jabber    7u  IPv4 4404568 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>> > <>
>>>>>>>>           (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           c2s       14571   jabber    6u  IPv4 4404567 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>> > <>
>>>>>>>>           (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           c2s       14571   jabber    7u  IPv4 4404615 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>  <> (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>           s2s       14578   jabber    6u  IPv4 4404554 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>> > <>
>>>>>>>>           (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>           s2s       14578   jabber    7u  IPv4 4404614 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>  <> (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>           2013/12/13 Net Warrior <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>           <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>               Hi.
>>>>>>>>               Now I see more debug info, do not why, maybe after
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>                certificate recreation triggered extra info ,I see
>>>>>>>> this,
>>>>>>>>               the certificate being loaded.
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.check_cert('Loading
>>>>>>>>               cert', <X509Name object
>>>>>>>> '/C=XX/ST=XXl/L=XX/O=XX/OU=XX/CN=spacewalk'>)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.convert_named_query_params('Converting
>>>>>>>>               query for PostgreSQL: select 1',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.convert_named_query_params('New
>>>>>>>>               query: select 1',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> rhnSQL/driver_postgresql._execute_wrapper('Executing SQL:
>>>>>>>>               "select 1" with bind params: {}',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.convert_named_query_params('Converting
>>>>>>>>               query for PostgreSQL: \n    select id, password\n
>>>>>>>>                from rhnPushDispatcher\n     where jabber_id like
>>>>>>>>               :jabber_id\n    ',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.convert_named_query_params('New
>>>>>>>>               query: \n    select id, password\n    from
>>>>>>>>               rhnPushDispatcher\n where jabber_id like
>>>>>>>> %(jabber_id)s\n
>>>>>>>>                  ',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> rhnSQL/driver_postgresql._execute_wrapper('Executing SQL:
>>>>>>>>               "\n    select id, password\n    from
>>>>>>>> rhnPushDispatcher\n
>>>>>>>>               where jabber_id like %(jabber_id)s\n    " with bind
>>>>>>>>               params: {jabber_id: rhn-dispatcher-sat%}',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>>               osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Connecting to',
>>>>>>>>               'spacewalk')
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib._get_jabber_client
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib._get_jabber_client('Connecting to',
>>>>>>>>               'spacewalk')
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.check_cert('Loading
>>>>>>>>               cert', <X509Name object
>>>>>>>> '/C=XX/ST=XXl/L=XX/O=XX/OU=XX/CN=spacewalk'>)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('Attempting
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>               connect',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process(300,)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process('before
>>>>>>>>               select(); timeout', 300.0)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process('select()
>>>>>>>>               returned',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib._auth_dispatch(<jabber.xmlstream.Node
>>>>>>>>               instance at 0x1a1add0>,)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Connected',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('Expecting
>>>>>>>>               features stanza, got:', <error><host-gone xmlns =
>>>>>>>>               'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' /><text xmlns =
>>>>>>>>               'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' >session
>>>>>>>> manager
>>>>>>>>               for requested domain is not available</text></error>)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:29 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server did
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>               return a <features /> stanza, reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:30 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process(300,)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:30 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process('before
>>>>>>>>               select(); timeout', 299.99999904632568)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:30 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process('select()
>>>>>>>>               returned',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:30 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib._auth_dispatch(<jabber.xmlstream.Node
>>>>>>>>               instance at 0x1a1a0e0>,)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:30 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Connected',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:30 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('Expecting
>>>>>>>>               features stanza, got:', <error><host-gone xmlns =
>>>>>>>>               'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' /><text xmlns =
>>>>>>>>               'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' >session
>>>>>>>> manager
>>>>>>>>               for requested domain is not available</text></error>)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:30 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server did
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>               return a <features /> stanza, reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:31 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process(300,)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:31 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process('before
>>>>>>>>               select(); timeout', 300.0)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:31 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.process('select()
>>>>>>>>               returned',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:31 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib._auth_dispatch(<jabber.xmlstream.Node
>>>>>>>>               instance at 0x1a1a200>,)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:18:31 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Connected',)
>>>>>>>>               ---
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:20 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('Expecting
>>>>>>>>               features stanza, got:', <error><host-gone xmlns =
>>>>>>>>               'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' /><text xmlns =
>>>>>>>>               'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' >session
>>>>>>>> manager
>>>>>>>>               for requested domain is not available</text></error>)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:20 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server did
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>               return a <features /> stanza, reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:21 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.connect('ERROR',
>>>>>>>> 'Not
>>>>>>>>               able to reconnect')
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:21 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('SSLError',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:21 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('Could
>>>>>>>>               not connect to jabber server', 'spacewalk')
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:21 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>>               osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('ERROR', 'Traceback
>>>>>>>>               (most recent call last):\n  File
>>>>>>>>               "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 252, in
>>>>>>>>               setup_connection\n    c =
>>>>>>>> self._get_jabber_client(js)\n
>>>>>>>>                File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 309,
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>               _get_jabber_client\n  c.connect()\n  File
>>>>>>>>               "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 589, in
>>>>>>>>               connect\n    raise
>>>>>>>> SSLDisabledError\nSSLDisabledError\n')
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:21 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>:
>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Could
>>>>>>>>               not connect to any jabber server',)
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 11:26:21 -03:00 14741
>>>>>>>>               <>: osad/jabber_lib.main('Unable to
>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>               to jabber servers, sleeping 10 seconds',)
>>>>>>>>               What's is talking about?
>>>>>>>>               >session manager for requested domain is not
>>>>>>>>               available</text></error
>>>>>>>>               maybe this can shed some light.
>>>>>>>>               Thanks a lot.
>>>>>>>>               2013/12/13 Net Warrior <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>               <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>                   SELinux disabled
>>>>>>>>                   [root at spacewalk jabberd]# getsebool
>>>>>>>>                   getsebool:  SELinux is disabled
>>>>>>>>                   2013/12/13 Net Warrior <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>> <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>                       I reinstalled jabberd but not osad, as it
>>>>>>>> seems
>>>>>>>>                       to be a certificate issue, ( I think ) I
>>>>>>>> followed
>>>>>>>>                       this guide to generate a new server.pem but
>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>                       same errors, from the jabber docs:
>>>>>>>>                       openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -days
>>>>>>>>                       3650 -keyout privkey.pem -out server.pem
>>>>>>>>                       openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out privkey.pem
>>>>>>>>                       cat privkey.pem >> server.pem
>>>>>>>>                       rm privkey.pem
>>>>>>>>                       mv server.pem
>>>>>>>> /usr/local/etc/jabberd/server.pem
>>>>>>>>                       chown root:jabber
>>>>>>>>                       /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabber/server.pem
>>>>>>>>                        chmod 640
>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabber/server.pem
>>>>>>>>                       Thank you very much.
>>>>>>>>                       2013/12/13 Balint Szigeti
>>>>>>>> <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>                           have you read this:
>>>>>>>> https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/OsadHowTo
>>>>>>>>                           On 13/12/13 11:46, Net Warrior wrote:
>>>>>>>>>                           Hi.
>>>>>>>>>                           It was working before and the file did
>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>                           exist, so I assume I do not need it, the
>>>>>>>>>                           documentation says it's for checking the
>>>>>>>>>                           client certificate.
>>>>>>>>>                           <!-- SSL CA chain. Used to verify client
>>>>>>>>>                           certificates. CA names published to
>>>>>>>>> client
>>>>>>>>>                           upon connection -->, but as I said, I
>>>>>>>>> never
>>>>>>>>>                           have it before.
>>>>>>>>>                           Do you know If I can reinstall and keep
>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>                           profiles/kickstart/repo/channel
>>>>>>>>>                           configuration? or if there is a way to
>>>>>>>>>                           reconfigure this by creating a new
>>>>>>>>>                           certificate? in the worst of the cases
>>>>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>>>>>                           have to re-register the clients and
>>>>>>>>> that's
>>>>>>>>>                           not a problem.
>>>>>>>>>                           Thanks for your time
>>>>>>>>>                           Regards.
>>>>>>>>>                           2013/12/13 Balint Szigeti
>>>>>>>>>                           <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>                               Hello
>>>>>>>>>                               Definitally, the
>>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem is
>>>>>>>>>                               necessary. I don't think you can
>>>>>>>>> turn
>>>>>>>>>                               off the SSL in Jabber.
>>>>>>>>>                               I haven't seen
>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd/client_ca_certs.pem file
>>>>>>>>>                               before. Do you have a proxy
>>>>>>>>>                               infrastructure? Maybe one proxy
>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>                               has it. What does google say about
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>                               file?
>>>>>>>>>                               Sorry, I don't have time to check
>>>>>>>>> google
>>>>>>>>>                               about this.
>>>>>>>>>                               B
>>>>>>>>>                               On 12/12/13 19:49, Net Warrior
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>                               The hostname definition is
>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk in
>>>>>>>>>>                               all the configuration files and not
>>>>>>>>>>                               spacewalk.mydomain.com
>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.mydomain.com> I also
>>>>>>>>>>                               checked the certificate and is
>>>>>>>>>>                               registered to spacewalk as well, I
>>>>>>>>>>                               there a way to disable SSL to
>>>>>>>>>>                               circunvent this issue in the
>>>>>>>>>> meantime?
>>>>>>>>>>                               One of the things that were added
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>                               the config is this line
>>>>>>>>>>                               <id require-starttls="false"
>>>>>>>>>> pemfile="/etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem"
>>>>>>>>>>                               realm=""
>>>>>>>>>> register-enable="true">spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>                               I tried to enable/disable user
>>>>>>>>>>                               /etc/jabbered/server.pem instead
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>                                still the same, I see there is a
>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>                               which I do not have but never seems
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>                               existed
>>>>>>>>>>                               before,
>>>>>>>>>> <cachain>/etc/jabberd/client_ca_certs.pem</cachain>
>>>>>>>>>>                               , is that file needed? maybe the
>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>                               configuration requieres it.
>>>>>>>>>>                               Thanks for your time.
>>>>>>>>>>                               Regards
>>>>>>>>>>                               2013/12/12 Balint
>>>>>>>>>>                               <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>                                   I had issue like yours, and the
>>>>>>>>>>                                   problem was, during the
>>>>>>>>>> upgrade,
>>>>>>>>>>                                   'something' change the hostname
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>                                   FQDN or back and forth.
>>>>>>>>>>                                   Check your hostname in
>>>>>>>>>> everywhere
>>>>>>>>>>                                   /etc/rhn, /etc/sysconfig/rhn,
>>>>>>>>>>                                   /etc/jabber and so on and
>>>>>>>>>> change
>>>>>>>>>>                                   them to FQDN. Of course make a
>>>>>>>>>>                                   backup at first.
>>>>>>>>>>                                   B
>>>>>>>>>>                                   On 12/12/2013 14:35, Net
>>>>>>>>>> Warrior
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I had noticed that the services
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   were  started listening only
>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   IPv6 , now it looks better but
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   still same error, SSLError.
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   router   9184 jabber    5u
>>>>>>>>>>> IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   3358801      0t0 TCP
>>>>>>>>>>> <> (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   router   9184 jabber    6u
>>>>>>>>>>> IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   3358882      0t0 TCP
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   router   9184 jabber    7u
>>>>>>>>>>> IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   3358900      0t0 TCP
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   c2s  9198 jabber    6u  IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   3358881  0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   c2s  9198 jabber    7u  IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   3358942  0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>> <> (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   s2s  9205 jabber    6u  IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   3358899  0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   s2s  9205 jabber    7u  IPv4
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   3358945  0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>> <> (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   2013/12/12 Net Warrior
>>>>>>>>>>> <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       This is the error:
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:03 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       not connect to jabber
>>>>>>>>>>> server',
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       'spacewalk')
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:03 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       'Traceback (most recent
>>>>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       last):\n  File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       line 252, in
>>>>>>>>>>> setup_connection\n    c =
>>>>>>>>>>> self._get_jabber_client(js)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>                                        File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       line 309, in
>>>>>>>>>>> _get_jabber_client\n
>>>>>>>>>>>                                        c.connect()\n File
>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       line 589, in connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>> raise
>>>>>>>>>>> SSLDisabledError\nSSLDisabledError\n')
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:03 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       not connect to any jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       server',)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:03 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.main('Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       to connect to jabber
>>>>>>>>>>> servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       sleeping 10 seconds',)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:13 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:13 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       not return a <features />
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       stanza, reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:14 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       not return a <features />
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       stanza, reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 10:32:15 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       28871
>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       not return a <features />
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       stanza, reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>                                       2013/12/12 Net Warrior
>>>>>>>>>>> <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           No, still having the
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           SSLError issue, I
>>>>>>>>>>> replaced
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           the name company with
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://domain.com> just
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           no to publish it on
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           mailing list, I can
>>>>>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           the console as I
>>>>>>>>>>> metioned
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           yesterday after I
>>>>>>>>>>> changed
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           the db module from db
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           sqlite, but cannot
>>>>>>>>>>> deploy
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           nothing else to the
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           clients, no updates,
>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           config files, cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           figure it out which is
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           SSL issue.
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>>>                                           2013/12/12 Balint
>>>>>>>>>>> Szigeti
>>>>>>>>>>> <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>                                               So finally, it
>>>>>>>>>>> works?
>>>>>>>>>>>                                               B
>>>>>>>>>>>                                               On 12/12/13 12:26,
>>>>>>>>>>> Net
>>>>>>>>>>>                                               Warrior wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, just replaced
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               the real domain
>>>>>>>>>>>> name
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               ( the company name
>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                                with domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://domain.com>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               sorry if that
>>>>>>>>>>>> confused a little,
>>>>>>>>>>>> that's the FQDN which
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               is correct and in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               xml files it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               this.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabberd]# grep
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk *.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.xml:    <id
>>>>>>>>>>>> require-starttls="false"
>>>>>>>>>>>> pemfile="/etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem"
>>>>>>>>>>>> realm=""
>>>>>>>>>>>> register-enable="true">spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <id>spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <id>spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <id>spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <id>spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <id>spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <id>spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <id>spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>> root at spacewalk rhn]# pwd
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/sysconfig/rhn
>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk rhn]#
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               grep spacewalk *
>>>>>>>>>>>> rhn-entitlement-cert.xml:
>>>>>>>>>>>> <rhn-cert-field
>>>>>>>>>>>> name="satellite-version">spacewalk</rhn-cert-field>
>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk rhn]#
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               pwd
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/rhn
>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk rhn]#
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               grep spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>> *.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               # another
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               (or hosted).
>>>>>>>>>>>> server.jabber_server
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               =
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> osa-dispatcher.jabber_server
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               =
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> cobbler.host = spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabberd]# grep
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk server.pem
>>>>>>>>>>>> Issuer: C=AR, ST=XXl,
>>>>>>>>>>>> L=XXX, O=COMPANY,
>>>>>>>>>>>> OU=Systems, CN=spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: C=XX, ST=XX,
>>>>>>>>>>>> O=COMPANY,
>>>>>>>>>>>> OU=Systems,
>>>>>>>>>>>> CN=spacewalk/emailAddress=user at company.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:user at company.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> DNS:spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your time
>>>>>>>>>>>>                                               and support.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11 Justin
>>>>>>>>>>>> Edmands
>>>>>>>>>>>> <shockwavecs at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:shockwavecs at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 11,
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013 at 2:18 PM,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Net Warrior
>>>>>>>>>>>> <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I was able to
>>>>>>>>>>>> recover the
>>>>>>>>>>>> console, one
>>>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> modification
>>>>>>>>>>>> in c2s file was
>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>> <!-- Backend
>>>>>>>>>>>> module to use
>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>> <module>sqlite</module>
>>>>>>>>>>>> to this
>>>>>>>>>>>> <!-- Backend
>>>>>>>>>>>> module to use
>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>> <module>db</module>
>>>>>>>>>>>> running c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>> in debug mode
>>>>>>>>>>>> I notice that
>>>>>>>>>>>> it was
>>>>>>>>>>>> waiting for
>>>>>>>>>>>> the module db
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> initialize,
>>>>>>>>>>>> changed it
>>>>>>>>>>>> back to
>>>>>>>>>>>> sqlite and it
>>>>>>>>>>>> started
>>>>>>>>>>>> again, but
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm back to
>>>>>>>>>>>> the original
>>>>>>>>>>>> error SSL.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:07:56
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:07:57
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>> did not
>>>>>>>>>>>> return a
>>>>>>>>>>>> <features />
>>>>>>>>>>>> stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:07:58
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>> did not
>>>>>>>>>>>> return a
>>>>>>>>>>>> <features />
>>>>>>>>>>>> stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:07:59
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>> did not
>>>>>>>>>>>> return a
>>>>>>>>>>>> <features />
>>>>>>>>>>>> stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:00
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Not able to
>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnect')
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:00
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('SSLError',)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:00
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>> not connect
>>>>>>>>>>>> to jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>> server',
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com>')
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:00
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Traceback
>>>>>>>>>>>> (most recent
>>>>>>>>>>>> call last):\n
>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 252, in
>>>>>>>>>>>> setup_connection\n
>>>>>>>>>>>> c =
>>>>>>>>>>>> self._get_jabber_client(js)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 309, in
>>>>>>>>>>>> _get_jabber_client\n
>>>>>>>>>>>> c.connect()\n
>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 589, in
>>>>>>>>>>>> connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>>> raise
>>>>>>>>>>>> SSLDisabledError\nSSLDisabledError\n')
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:00
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>> not connect
>>>>>>>>>>>> to any jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>> server',)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:00
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.main('Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>> to connect to
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>> servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>> sleeping 10
>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds',)
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:10
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:10
>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>> did not
>>>>>>>>>>>> return a
>>>>>>>>>>>> <features />
>>>>>>>>>>>> stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd/server.pem
>>>>>>>>>>>> are the same
>>>>>>>>>>>> they have the
>>>>>>>>>>>> date/time
>>>>>>>>>>>> when the
>>>>>>>>>>>> installation
>>>>>>>>>>>> took place.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The services
>>>>>>>>>>>> and port are
>>>>>>>>>>>> up and
>>>>>>>>>>>> listening:
>>>>>>>>>>>> router  21408
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber    5u
>>>>>>>>>>>> IPv6 2405903
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>>> *:5347 (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>>>>> router  21408
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber    6u
>>>>>>>>>>>> IPv6 2405987
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>>> [::1]:5347->[::1]:36295
>>>>>>>>>>>> (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>> router  21408
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber    7u
>>>>>>>>>>>> IPv6 2406000
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>>> [::1]:5347->[::1]:36296
>>>>>>>>>>>> (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s 21422
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber    6u
>>>>>>>>>>>> IPv6 2405999
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>>> [::1]:36296->[::1]:5347
>>>>>>>>>>>> (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s   21422
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber    7u
>>>>>>>>>>>> IPv6 2406036
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>>> *:5222 (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>>>>> s2s 21429
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber    6u
>>>>>>>>>>>> IPv6 2405986
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>>> [::1]:36295->[::1]:5347
>>>>>>>>>>>> (ESTABLISHED)
>>>>>>>>>>>> s2s 21429
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber    7u
>>>>>>>>>>>> IPv6 2406034
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0t0  TCP
>>>>>>>>>>>> *:5269 (LISTEN)
>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabberd]#
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for
>>>>>>>>>>>> your time and
>>>>>>>>>>>> support
>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> Net Warrior
>>>>>>>>>>>> <netwarrior863 at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:netwarrior863 at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Justin.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem
>>>>>>>>>>>> is the
>>>>>>>>>>>> same, did
>>>>>>>>>>>> not change
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 I have
>>>>>>>>>>>> no backup
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 no
>>>>>>>>>>>> issues
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>>>>>>> FQDN
>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 Gonna
>>>>>>>>>>>> check the
>>>>>>>>>>>> FQDN in
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s/s2s
>>>>>>>>>>>> files, I
>>>>>>>>>>>> restored
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.xml-swsave
>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>> created
>>>>>>>>>>>> duting
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> update
>>>>>>>>>>>> and none
>>>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabbers
>>>>>>>>>>>> services
>>>>>>>>>>>> start up.
>>>>>>>>>>>> routes/sm/c2s/s2s
>>>>>>>>>>>> On the
>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>> hand, is
>>>>>>>>>>>> there a
>>>>>>>>>>>> way to
>>>>>>>>>>>> reconfigure
>>>>>>>>>>>> this,?
>>>>>>>>>>>> can I use
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk-setup-jabberd
>>>>>>>>>>>> to do so?
>>>>>>>>>>>> in this
>>>>>>>>>>>> moment
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> system is
>>>>>>>>>>>> useless
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> reinstalling
>>>>>>>>>>>> wont be
>>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>> funny,
>>>>>>>>>>>> have 500
>>>>>>>>>>>> servers
>>>>>>>>>>>> more than
>>>>>>>>>>>> less plus
>>>>>>>>>>>> kickstart
>>>>>>>>>>>> configurations
>>>>>>>>>>>> and other
>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>> for your
>>>>>>>>>>>> time and
>>>>>>>>>>>> support.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> Justin
>>>>>>>>>>>> Edmands
>>>>>>>>>>>> <shockwavecs at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:shockwavecs at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> On
>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>> 11,
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>> 11:17
>>>>>>>>>>>> AM,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Balint
>>>>>>>>>>>> Szigeti
>>>>>>>>>>>> <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem
>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>> changed?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>> backup
>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>> full
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Was
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> hostname/FQDN
>>>>>>>>>>>> changed?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>> think,
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> DB
>>>>>>>>>>>> access/FQDN
>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber's
>>>>>>>>>>>> certs
>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>> changed
>>>>>>>>>>>> during.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Check
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> FQDN
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s/s2s
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>> file.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Plus
>>>>>>>>>>>> check
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> backed
>>>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>>>> ones.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> replace
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>> dir
>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>>>>>> one,
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> issue
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>>>>> remain?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Balint
>>>>>>>>>>>> On
>>>>>>>>>>>> 11/12/13
>>>>>>>>>>>> 15:49,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Net
>>>>>>>>>>>> Warrior
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> notice
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>>>>>>> section
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> others,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> changing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>>>>>>> made
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> difference,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -c
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd//c2s.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -D
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>> erros
>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>> these,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolve
>>>>>>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>>>>>>> name
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>>>>>>>> s2c
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> router
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loaded,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesnt'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> start
>>>>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> manually
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -D
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:41:25
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:836
>>>>>>>>>>>>> coming
>>>>>>>>>>>>> online
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:41:25
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [notice]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> port=5222]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> listening
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connections
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:41:25
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [notice]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ready
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connections
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9764
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:28
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00:00:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/router
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -c
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd//router.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9785
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:28
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 00:00:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/s2s
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -c
>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd//s2s.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:39:36
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:640
>>>>>>>>>>>>> component
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 's2s'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:39:36
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:642
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> serviced
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 's2s'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> online
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:39:52
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [notice]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> router
>>>>>>>>>>>>> established
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> errors
>>>>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:35:25
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:185
>>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> requested
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'spacewalk'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:35:25
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:185
>>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> requested
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'spacewalk'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:36:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:185
>>>>>>>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> requested
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com/>'
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (error.c:79)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> prepared
>>>>>>>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <stream:error
>>>>>>>>>>>>> xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'><host-unknown
>>>>>>>>>>>>> xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/><text
>>>>>>>>>>>>> xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'>service
>>>>>>>>>>>>> requested
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unknown
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain</text></stream:error>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (error.c:94)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tag
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0x0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:36:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:40
>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:36:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:539
>>>>>>>>>>>>> write
>>>>>>>>>>>>> action
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fd
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (io.c:328)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ready
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> writing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (io.c:286)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 229
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bytes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> writing:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <stream:error
>>>>>>>>>>>>> xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'><host-unknown
>>>>>>>>>>>>> xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/><text
>>>>>>>>>>>>> xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'>service
>>>>>>>>>>>>> requested
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unknown
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain</text></stream:error>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> alse
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>> lots
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> request
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> differents
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IP,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>>> scanning
>>>>>>>>>>>>> something:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:40:33
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s.c:544
>>>>>>>>>>>>> close
>>>>>>>>>>>>> action
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fd
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dec
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:40:33
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [notice]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [8]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> port=45487]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> disconnect
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jid=unbound,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> packets:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sx
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (server.c:45)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> building
>>>>>>>>>>>>> features
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nad
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leaving
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~]#
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osa-dispatcher
>>>>>>>>>>>>> start
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:43:08
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ('Not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnect',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:43:08
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ('Traceback
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (most
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent
>>>>>>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>>>>>>>> last):\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 252,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup_connection\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c
>>>>>>>>>>>>> =
>>>>>>>>>>>>> self._get_jabber_client(js)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 309,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _get_jabber_client\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>> c.connect()\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 589,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>> raise
>>>>>>>>>>>>> SSLDisabledError\nSSLDisabledError\n',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>> server',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.main('Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>> servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:10
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:10
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> return
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <features
>>>>>>>>>>>>> />
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> return
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <features
>>>>>>>>>>>>> />
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:12
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> return
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <features
>>>>>>>>>>>>> />
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:13
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.connect('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reconnect')
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:44:13
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10359
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('SSLError',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Restroring
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>>>>>>> config
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balint
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Szigeti
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> read
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> diff's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> output?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sections
>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> modified.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I were
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> conf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pass
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sections.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sections
>>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>>> affected
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> well:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>> IP
>>>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <ip>::</ip>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <ip></ip>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> disable
>>>>>>>>>>>>> unencrypted
>>>>>>>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5222)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -301,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +301,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> applied.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> disables
>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <interval>60</interval>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <interval>0</interval>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Idle
>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -319,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +319,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    disconnected
>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>> us
>>>>>>>>>>>>> knowing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> disables
>>>>>>>>>>>>> keepalives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <keepalive>60</keepalive>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <keepalive>0</keepalive>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Try
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> merge
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pass
>>>>>>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> let
>>>>>>>>>>>>> see.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> looking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> forward
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> result
>>>>>>>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> B
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11/12/13
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14:05,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Net
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warrior
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I made
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a yum
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upgrade,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I upgraded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CentOS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6.5,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obiously
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> related
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ssl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regeneration,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> background
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clients
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad-5.11.27-1.el6.noarch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osa-dispatcher-5.11.27-1.el6.noarch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osa-dispatcher-selinux-5.11.27-1.el6.noarch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Starting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osa-dispatcher:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:28:52
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Traceback
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last):\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 252,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup_connection\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = self._get_jabber_client(js)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 309,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _get_jabber_client\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    c.connect()\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 567,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    jabber.Client.connect(self)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jabber/xmlstream.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 488,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    raise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> socket.error("Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified")\nerror:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified\n')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:28:52
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.sertup_connection('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:28:52
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.main('Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:29:02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:29:02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('socket
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:29:02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com/>')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:29:02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'Traceback
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last):\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 252,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setup_connection\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = self._get_jabber_client(js)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 309,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _get_jabber_client\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    c.connect()\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 567,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    jabber.Client.connect(self)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/jabber/xmlstream.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 488,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    raise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> socket.error("Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified")\nerror:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> host
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified\n')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:29:02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:29:02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 26709
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.main('Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seconds',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diff.:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [root at spacewalk
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabberd]#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diff
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -u
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd/c2s.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    /root/temp/jabberd/c2s.xml-orig
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd/c2s.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    2013-12-11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:14:06.000000000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -0300
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +++
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /root/temp/jabberd/c2s.xml-orig
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013-12-09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11:34:15.000000000
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -0300
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -10,12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +10,12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Router
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <router>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IP/port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> router
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waiting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connections
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <ip>::1</ip>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <ip></ip>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <port>5347</port>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5347
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Username/password
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authenticate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <user>jabberd</user>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jabberd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - <pass>9b6d8078f992346e0537a6e5514def7ffc28374b</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> secret
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + <pass>71d26fd8f21c6cf9660217f363613a45d3a28e9d</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> secret
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> containing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SSL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> certificate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> key
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encrypted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> channel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> router.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -50,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +50,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    </router>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - type
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "syslog",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "file"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "stdout"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type="syslog">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type='syslog'>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> logging
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> syslog,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> log
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ident
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <ident>jabberd/c2s</ident>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -133,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +133,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disabled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <id
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> require-starttls="false"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pemfile="/etc/pki/spacewalk/jabberd/server.pem"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm=""
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> register-enable="true">spacewalk</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <id
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> register-enable='mu'>localhost.localdomain</id>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <id
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm='company.int
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://company.int/>'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    pemfile='/etc/jabberd/server.pem'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -149,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +149,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <id
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password-change='mu'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> />
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> address
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <ip>::</ip>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <ip></ip>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unencrypted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> access
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5222)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -301,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +301,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applied.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disables
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <interval>60</interval>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <interval>0</interval>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Idle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> checks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -319,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +319,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     disconnected
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> us
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knowing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disables
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keepalives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (default:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <keepalive>60</keepalive>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <keepalive>0</keepalive>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    </check>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -348,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +348,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <path>/usr/lib64/jabberd</path>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Backend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <module>db</module>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <module>sqlite</module>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Available
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mechanisms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <mechanisms>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -421,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +421,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <user>jabberd2</user>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - <pass>9b6d8078f992346e0537a6e5514def7ffc28374b</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + <pass>71d26fd8f21c6cf9660217f363613a45d3a28e9d</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Passwords
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stored
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hashed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> format
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOTE:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hashed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> passwords,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> auth
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -456,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +456,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <user>jabberd2</user>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - <pass>9b6d8078f992346e0537a6e5514def7ffc28374b</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + <pass>71d26fd8f21c6cf9660217f363613a45d3a28e9d</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    </pgsql>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oracle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> driver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -470,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +470,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> username
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> password
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <user>jabberd2</user>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - <pass>9b6d8078f992346e0537a6e5514def7ffc28374b</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + <pass>71d26fd8f21c6cf9660217f363613a45d3a28e9d</pass>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    </oracle>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Berkeley
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> module
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -543,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +543,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> base
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specify
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a DN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> declared
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <local/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> above,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <basedn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm="company">o=Company.com</basedn>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <basedn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm='company'>o=Company.com</basedn>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <basedn>o=Example
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corp.</basedn>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    </ldapfull>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -605,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +605,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> base
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specify
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a DN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> declared
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <local/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> above,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -  <basedn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm="company">o=Company.com</basedn>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +  <basedn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realm='company'>o=Company.com</basedn>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <basedn>o=Example
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corp.</basedn>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    </ldap>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LDAP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -623,6
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +623,7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @@
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    </authreg>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -</c2s><!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +</c2s>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +<!--
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>      vim:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> syntax=xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    -->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Balint
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Szigeti
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <balint.szgt at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:balint.szgt at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       How
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       upgrade?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       where?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       client
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       server?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Wasn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       SSL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       regenerating?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Balint
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       On
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       11/12/13
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       12:48,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Warrior
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           guys.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seeing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           errors
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           logs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           I upgraded
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           system:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:36
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           osad/jabber_lib.__init__
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:36
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           return
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           a <features
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           />
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:37
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           return
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           a <features
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           />
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:38
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           osad/jabber_lib.connect('Server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           did
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           return
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           a <features
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           />
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           stanza,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           reconnecting',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:39
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           osad/jabber_lib.connect('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           'Not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           able
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           reconnect')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:39
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('SSLError',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:39
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           osad/jabber_lib.print_message('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           server',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           'spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com/>')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:39
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('ERROR',
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           'Traceback
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           (most
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           recent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           call
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           last):\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           252,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           setup_connection\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>              c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           = self._get_jabber_client(js)\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           309,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           _get_jabber_client\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           c.connect()\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            File
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           line
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           589,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect\n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            raise
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SSLDisabledError\nSSLDisabledError\n')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:39
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.setup_connection('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           server',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:39
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           27397
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           osad/jabber_lib.main('Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seconds',)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           SSL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           disabled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           started
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           port
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           5222,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           lots
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           modifications
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           c2s.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           tell
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           causing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           error
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           certificate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           got
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           corrupted,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           I restore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           original
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           configuration
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           file
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           starts,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           clients
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           server
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           anymore:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           013-12-11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:36:59
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber_lib.main:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           108
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013-12-11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:38:50
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber_lib.main:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           119
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013-12-11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:40:53
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber_lib.main:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           109
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013-12-11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:42:45
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber_lib.main:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           68
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013-12-11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:43:56
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber_lib.main:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           71
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           2013-12-11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           09:45:10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber_lib.main:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Unable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           connect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           servers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           sleeping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           110
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           seconds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           help
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>           Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 -
>>>>>>>>>>>> After
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> upgrade
>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>> CentOS
>>>>>>>>>>>> 6.4
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> 6.5,
>>>>>>>>>>>> did
>>>>>>>>>>>> SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>> iptables
>>>>>>>>>>>> turn
>>>>>>>>>>>> itself
>>>>>>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>>>>>> on?
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 -
>>>>>>>>>>>> service
>>>>>>>>>>>> statuses
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk-service
>>>>>>>>>>>> status
>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> sm
>>>>>>>>>>>> (pid
>>>>>>>>>>>> 17446)
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> running...
>>>>>>>>>>>> c2s
>>>>>>>>>>>> (pid
>>>>>>>>>>>> 17453)
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> running...
>>>>>>>>>>>> s2s
>>>>>>>>>>>> (pid
>>>>>>>>>>>> 17460)
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> running...
>>>>>>>>>>>> osa-dispatcher
>>>>>>>>>>>> (pid
>>>>>>>>>>>> 17663)
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> running...
>>>>>>>>>>>> ...(plus
>>>>>>>>>>>> others
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> course)
>>>>>>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>> those
>>>>>>>>>>>> services
>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>>>>> running,
>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk-service
>>>>>>>>>>>> stop
>>>>>>>>>>>> rm
>>>>>>>>>>>> -rf
>>>>>>>>>>>> /var/lib/jabberd/db/*"
>>>>>>>>>>>> #(back
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> up if
>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>>> want,
>>>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> stale
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>> regenerated
>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>>>> missing.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do
>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>> delete
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> db
>>>>>>>>>>>> folder
>>>>>>>>>>>> itself,
>>>>>>>>>>>> though.)
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk-service
>>>>>>>>>>>> start
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 -
>>>>>>>>>>>> Check
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> permissions
>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabberd
>>>>>>>>>>>> stuff:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ls
>>>>>>>>>>>> -lah
>>>>>>>>>>>> /var/lib/jabberd/*
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>>>>> measure:
>>>>>>>>>>>> chown
>>>>>>>>>>>> -R
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber:jabber
>>>>>>>>>>>> /var/lib/jabberd
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any reason why it
>>>>>>>>>>>> says it is
>>>>>>>>>>>> looking for
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com>?
>>>>>>>>>>>> "2013/12/11
>>>>>>>>>>>> 16:08:00 -03:00
>>>>>>>>>>>> 21592
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> osad/jabber_lib.print_message('Could
>>>>>>>>>>>> not connect to
>>>>>>>>>>>> jabber server',
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com>')"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please paste the
>>>>>>>>>>>> output of :
>>>>>>>>>>>> grep -R
>>>>>>>>>>>> spacewalk.domain.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://spacewalk.domain.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> /etc/jabberd/*
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>    <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list mailing
>>>>>>>>>>>                                               list
>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>                                   Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>                                   Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>                               Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>                               Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>                               Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>>                               Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>                           Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>>                           Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>                           Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>                           Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>>> <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>>       _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>       Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>>       Spacewalk-list at redhat.com <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>>       _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>       Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>>       Spacewalk-list at redhat.com <mailto:Spacewalk-list at redhat.com>
>>>>>>>       https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
>>> --
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Daniel Souvignier
>>> Fachinformatiker Systemintegration in Ausbildung
>>> Lehrstuhl für integrierte Analogschaltungen
>>> RWTH Aachen
>>> Sommerfeldstraße 24 (Walther-Schottky-Haus)
>>> 52074 Aachen
>>> Raum 24C 313
>>> Tel.:0241/80-27771
>>> www.ias.rwth-aachen.de
>> _______________________________________________
>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>> Spacewalk-list at redhat.com
>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel Souvignier
> Fachinformatiker Systemintegration in Ausbildung
> Lehrstuhl für integrierte Analogschaltungen
> RWTH Aachen
> Sommerfeldstraße 24 (Walther-Schottky-Haus)
> 52074 Aachen
> Raum 24C 313
> Tel.:0241/80-27771
> www.ias.rwth-aachen.de

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