[Spacewalk-list] Wildcard certificate and osad dispatcher

Shawn Cannon shawn at shawncannon.com
Wed Jul 10 05:48:41 UTC 2013

I have installed a wildcard cert into Apache on my spacewalk server.  I am getting an error trying to start osad dispatcher:
Starting osa-dispatcher: RHN 5813 2013/07/10 01:35:21 -04:00: ('Traceback caught:',)RHN 5813 2013/07/10 01:35:21 -04:00: ('Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 616, in connect\n    ssl.do_handshake()\nError: [(\'SSL routines\', \'SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE\', \'certificate verify failed\')]\n',)
I know that jabber uses a server.pem file so I copied over a server.pem file that has my private key and wildcard cert in it.  I was also wondering what certs these should be:
RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT - would this be the server certificate itself?RHNS-CA-CERT - would this be the CA cert/certs from my 3rd party vendor?
I am wondering if the wildcard cert is the issue as I have been reading that jabber is picky about host names being same.  Of course wildcard cert would be *.name.com and not spacewalk.name.com.  Should I avoid a wildcard cert for Spacewalk?  Any assistance would be great.  This whole cert thing is a major pain to configure when you cannot use self signed due to internal policies.
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