[Spacewalk-list] ya-errata-import: EPELerrata support added

Frank Mikkelsen Blohmé frank.mikkelsen.blohme at axis.com
Mon Mar 25 10:43:51 UTC 2013

Hi again Franky!
I'd be happy to use your script for EPEL errata import on my Spacewalk server. Thank you for the work you've done.

Your new version of the script in the Git repo seems to have fixed the problem I had, however, I have discovered that there are some warnings given in the log when running the script.
Can you have a look at those? Please see the part of my log file that is attached. I'm not sure if it is the correct behavior.

I also have another problem with this script, I can't import the errata into more than one channel, I have my parent and child channels set-up to reflect the different Red Hat releases like this:
Parent - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Workstation x86_64
	Child - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Workstation x86_64 Updates
	Child - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Workstation x86_64 Optional
	Child - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Workstation x86_64 Supplementary
	Child - Fedora EPEL for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Workstation x86_64

Parent - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x86_64
	Child - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x86_64 Updates
	Child - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x86_64 Optional
	Child - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x86_64 Supplementary
	Child - Fedora EPEL for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x86_64

If I import the EPEL errata into channel Fedora EPEL for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Workstation x86_64 then I can't import into channel Fedora EPEL for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server x86_64 since the errata already exists in Spacewalk. I believe that the rhn-clone-errata.pl script solves this issue by suffixing the errata ID based on information in its configuration file.
Is it plausible to ask for such functionality in your script?

Best regards
Frank Mikkelsen Blohmé

-----Original Message-----
From: spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Franky Van Liedekerke
Sent: den 21 mars 2013 11:26
To: spacewalk-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] ya-errata-import: EPELerrata support added


glad to see somebody uses it :-)
Try the new version I just put on github, it should help.


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