[Spacewalk-list] timestamps and the spacecmd API

Andy Ingham andy.ingham at duke.edu
Thu Feb 6 18:14:19 UTC 2014

Hello all!

I need to compare the "completed_date" from the listSystemEvents method
(published at 
r.html#listSystems ) to the current time (when my python script runs).

The 'completed_date' is returned from the API in ISO8601 format, e.g.:

I'm grabbing the current timestamp via datetime.datetime.now(), which
returns a format like: 2014-02-06 13:05:47.583122

Has anyone got python code that compares two timestamps for use with the
spacewalk API?  (Ultimately, I want to create a conditional that says, "if
the event completed less than X hours ago, do Y")



Andy Ingham
IT Infrastructure
Fuqua School of Business
Duke University

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