[Spacewalk-list] OpenSUSE on Spacewalk Kickstart

Michael Calmer mc at suse.de
Thu Jul 10 15:31:10 UTC 2014


Am Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2014, 15:26:51 schrieb Jonathan Hoser:
> Dear all - and esp. Dear SUSE team,


> a) Distro has a *, because, it was a bit tricky here.
> We could not get the preinstall system to run on Spacewalk2.1,
> as it kept telling us there's no network interface to install from.
> Research pointed us to include the "install=<FQDN>/[...]" parameter in
> the Distro,
> which was twice silently removed, and on the third try, the
> SUSE-handling kicked in (my guess),
> and now we have it twice.
> Works, but I wanted to mention our experience with it.

It should be automatically added as soon as you set "Installer Generation" to 
"SUSE Linux" .

> b) Once a) had been overcome, we managed to boot the PXE installation
> into the graphical installer, where openSUSE would then complain
> about the autoyast-download link not to be found:
> The baremetal-provisioning system for the system had created a cobbler
> entry like
> "pcxx1.domain.de:1"
> where the installer tried to get the file from "...../pcxx1.domain.de%3a1"
> which is not correctly handled by apache/cobbler, as such the
> delivery/download of the kickstart file fails.
> Changing the hostname to something without ":" solved that.
> However, now the openSUSE installer complains about the kickstart
> not containing a start-tag "<" for the autoyast configuration.
> How is this supposed to be handled?
> We tried embedding an autoyast xml (with all appropriate tags etc) into
> the kickstart file,
> but that did not work.

What are you doing ?

You need to upload an autoinstallation profile. I think in spacewalk this is 
still named "upload kickstart profile". This is "free text" but for a 
Installer Generation = SUSE Linux it expects an autoyast XML file.

No kickstart file please!

"Create Kickstart Profile" cannot be used with SUSE, because this wizard 
generate really a kickstart profile which cannot be interpreted by a SUSE 

cobbler automatically add a lot of things to the autoyast xml file.
Also the no-more-netboot triggers. 

So all the rest should work out of the box.

(But I never tried this with a plain spacewalk, sorry)

	Michael Calmer

Michael Calmer
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
T: +49 (0) 911 74053 0
F: +49 (0) 911 74053575  - e-mail: Michael.Calmer at suse.com
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer
HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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