[Spacewalk-list] Error when installing CentOS 7 from spacewalk server

Jones, Robert W. (Bob) (rwj5d) rwj5d at eservices.virginia.edu
Wed Oct 29 16:17:51 UTC 2014

Hello all,

I’ve been a spacewalk user for a while now and am having a problem trying to install CentOS 7.  I’m running Spacewalk version 2.2 and can install CentOS 6 just fine.  I’ve created the appropriate channels for CentOS 7 and a kickstartable tree.  I use cobbler buildiso to create a bootable iso for a specific system that is set up to use the CentOS 7 channels.

I boot off of the iso, it grabs the kickstart file, creates the filesystems and determines the package dependencies, however, it doesn’t seem to be able to get any rpms from the channels (and I’m testing by just installing @core).  The install errors out at:


The following software marked for installation has errors.  This is likely caused by an error with your installation source.

rhn-client-tools-2.3.5-1.el7.noarch requires python-dmidecode
rhn-client-tools-2.3.5-1.el7.noarch requires python-gudev
rhn-client-tools-2.3.5-1.el7.noarch requires python-hwdata

If I go into the spacewalk webui and search for those packages, they show up in the core CentOS7 channel, and I’ve verified the rpms are there and that all file permissions/contexts are correct.

Does this have anything to do with the fact I’m running cobbler20 and not the newer cobbler available from epel?

I am at a total loss at this point.  Poking around in /tmp using the install shell (alt-f2) I see in /tmp/yum.cache the following:


Is the base centos7-x86_64 repo channel supposed to appear here as well?

Here is the pertinent part of the kickstart file it is downloading (I’ve cut all the pre and post scripts)
# Kickstart config file generated by Spacewalk Config Management
# Profile Label : CentOS7
# Date Created  : 2014-10-29 09:48:39.151229

network --bootproto=static —hostname=test.its.virginia.edu<http://test.its.virginia.edu> --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver=,,
url --url http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/CentOS7
lang en_US
keyboard us
clearpart --all
bootloader --location mbr
timezone America/New_York
auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha256
rootpw --iscrypted $5$7kFEP/9jjpl/dFTq$nQkmkljlkjljjlKeKh3p53ND1844hjfvjNn.BdF6Jf4
selinux --enforcing
firewall --disabled
services --enabled=sshd
eula --agreed
repo --name=puppet-el7 --baseurl=http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/child/puppet-el7/CentOS7
repo --name=centos7-x86_64-fasttrack --baseurl=http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/child/centos7-x86_64-fasttrack/CentOS7
repo --name=vmware-tools-5.5-el7 --baseurl=http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/child/vmware-tools-5.5-el7/CentOS7
repo --name=centos7-x86_64-updates --baseurl=http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/child/centos7-x86_64-updates/CentOS7
repo --name=spacewalk-nightly-client-centos7-x86_64 --baseurl=http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/child/spacewalk-nightly-client-centos7-x86_64/CentOS7
repo --name=epel7-centos7-x86_64 --baseurl=http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/child/epel7-centos7-x86_64/CentOS7
repo --name=centos7-x86_64-extras --baseurl=http://install..virginia.edu/ks/dist/child/centos7-x86_64-extras/CentOS7
part /boot --fstype=xfs --size=512 --ondisk=sda
%include /tmp/swappart
part pv.01 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=sda
volgroup vg_root pv.01
logvol / --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_root --fstype=xfs --size=1024
logvol /usr --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_usr --fstype=xfs --size=4096
logvol /var --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_var --fstype=xfs --size=4096
logvol /var/log --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_var_log --fstype=xfs --size=4096 --fsoptions="nodev,noexec,nosuid"
logvol /opt --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_opt --fstype=xfs --size=2048
logvol /home --vgname=vg_root --name=lv_home --fstype=xfs --size=2048 --fsoptions="nodev"

%packages  --ignoremissing --nobase
Thanks in advance for any and all help,
Bob Jones
UNIX Systems Senior Engineer
ITS Systems and Storage Services

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