[Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk 2.2 Osad - action-deploy - strangenesses?

Jonathan Hoser jonathan.hoser at helmholtz-muenchen.de
Wed Sep 3 07:41:56 UTC 2014

Dear all,

once again I'm puzzled and would like to fish for input:

After having (successfully) upgraded to 2.2, (client 2.2 also deployed
I have the puzzling situation with OSAD, that the clients connect,
and respond to pings (the usual way to test OSAD),
but is not send any action (package deploys/config compares/conf
deploys) - or doesn't see any.

So far I have tried:
-clearing the jabber-db
-restarting client-side OSAD (very-verbose)
-clearing all pending actions

What I can tell:
I see the ping-request, and the clients answer,
and the webgui updates accordingly.
But the client never sees (or gets) any of the scheduled actions (even
when running rhn_check manually).

The latter might be a second issue, or might be tightly connected to the
as a yum update does the trick - as far as package-deploys/-updates go.

I'm was slightly reminded of Daniel Thielkings issue from a few weeks
ago where a command
wouldn't be picked up, but I haven't seen a solution to that yet...

Any hints, comments, suggestions or solutions are highly appreciated.


Jonathan Hoser, M.Sc.
Institute of Bioinformatics and System Biology

WWW: http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de

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