[Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk problems OSAD after Kickstarting a machine

Joost Coelingh Joost.Coelingh at topicus.nl
Thu Sep 11 11:59:01 UTC 2014

I just setup cobbler, and kickstarted a machine, but osad isn't working on the kickstarted machines (all non-kickstarted servers work fine)
osad.conf and up2date have the correct certificate coupled and the fqdn is also working
in the spacewalk gui is see: osa status: offline as of unknown
running rhn_check manually also works
when running the following on the client:  osad -N -v -v -v gives this error: SSLError: ('OpenSSL error; will retry', "(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')")
Raw output:
2014-09-11 13:50:10 jabber_lib.main: Sleeping 116 seconds
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.setup_connection: Connecting to spacewalk.example.local
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib._get_jabber_client:
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib._get_jabber_client: Connecting to spacewalk.example.local
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.__init__:
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.__init__:
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.connect:
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: 300
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.setup_connection: Connected to jabber server spacewalk.example.local
2014-09-11 13:52:07 osad_client.start: osad-d8ba81ec17 4761ae73ed5b59a4b410 osad
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.auth: osad-d8ba81ec17 4761ae73ed5b59a4b410 osad 1
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: 59.9999811649
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: 299.99998188
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.register_callback: <bound method Client._roster_callback of <osad.osad_client.Client instance at 0x102c170>> iq None None None None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib._roster_callback: Updating the roster <iq type='result' id='iq-request-8c9b88-23'><query xmlns = 'jabber:iq:roster' ><item jid='rhn-dispatcher-sat at spacewalk.example.local<mailto:rhn-dispatcher-sat at spacewalk.example.local>' subscription='both' /></query></iq>
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.register_callback: <bound method Client._presence_callback of <osad.osad_client.Client instance at 0x102c170>> presence None None None None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.register_callback: <bound method Client._message_callback of <osad.osad_client.Client instance at 0x102c170>> message None None None None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.send_presence: None None
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process_forever:
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib.process: 180
2014-09-11 13:52:07 jabber_lib._presence_callback: osad-d8ba81ec17 at spacewalk.example.local/osad<mailto:osad-d8ba81ec17 at spacewalk.example.local/osad> rhn-dispatcher-sat at spacewalk.example.local/superclient<mailto:rhn-dispatcher-sat at spacewalk.example.local/superclient> None
2014-09-11 13:52:13 jabber_lib.process: 180
2014-09-11 13:53:14 jabber_lib.process: 180
Error caught:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 120, in main
  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 178, in process_forever
  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/osad.py", line 249, in process_once
  File "/usr/share/rhn/osad/jabber_lib.py", line 1044, in process
    data = self._read(self.BLOCK_SIZE)
SSLError: ('OpenSSL error; will retry', "(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')")

2014-09-11 13:53:14 jabber_lib.main: Sleeping 66 seconds


Joost Coelingh

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