[Spacewalk-list] KVM Kickstart

William H. ten Bensel WHTENBEN at up.com
Mon Apr 11 13:43:44 UTC 2016

It is in extra arguments, ie:

virt-install --name=xxxx --ram=8192 --vcpus=4 --mac=xxxx 
--location=http://spacewalk.domain/distro/centos --disk path=disk 
--bridge=xxxx --extra-args="ks=http://spacewalk.domain/kickstart noipv6 
noselinux serial console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 ip=xxxxx gateway=xxxxx 
netmask=xxxx dns=xxxxx hostname=xxxx hyper=xxxxx" --os-type=linux 
--os-variant=rhel6 --arch=x86_64 --accelerate --noautoconsole --nographics

 hyper= -> This is an extra argument that is not processed by anaconda and 
can be accessed via cat /proc/cmdline for %post script snippets or 

- Thanks and good luck

From:   Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konrasko at gmail.com>
To:     spacewalk-list at redhat.com
Date:   04/08/2016 11:20 PM
Subject:        [Spacewalk-list] KVM Kickstart
Sent by:        spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com

This email originated from outside of the company. Please use discretion 
if opening attachments or clicking on links. 
I'm kickstarting KVMs with Spacewalk and Cobbler. Of course By default 
machines don't have a console.

Is any change to attache the console, cause sometimes kickstart file is 
wrong and you'll never know what's the error.


- ['/usr/bin/virt-install', '--version']
libvirtd (pid  9102) is running...
- ['virt-install', '--version']
- ['qemu-img', 'create', '-f', 'raw', 
'/var/lib/libvirt/images/test-gst001', '8G']
Formatting '/var/lib/libvirt/images/test-gst001', fmt=raw size=8589934592
- adding disk: /var/lib/libvirt/images/test-gst001 of size 8 (driver 
- ['virt-install', '--connect', 'qemu:///system', '--name', 'test-gst001', 
'--ram', '1024', '--vcpus', '1', '--autostart', '--vnc', '--virt-type', 
'kvm', '--machine', 'pc', '--location', 'http://install/ty/kjqi0NyN/', 
ksdevice=link kssendmac lang= text ', '--arch', 'x86_64', '--os-variant', 
'rhel6', '--disk', 
'path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/test-gst001,size=8,format=raw', '--network', 
'bridge=br0,mac=00:16:3e:6f:f7:f6', '--wait', '0', '--noautoconsole']This 
email originated from outside of the company.  Please use discretion if 
opening attachments or clicking on links.

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