[Spacewalk-list] pass extra args to api system.provisionVirtualGuest

William H. ten Bensel WHTENBEN at up.com
Fri Aug 19 19:23:04 UTC 2016

I would like to use the spacewalk api system.provisionVirtualGuest, 
however I need the ability to pass extra args to the virt-install line 
that spacewalk would create.  Is there any way to do this?  Am I missing 
something obvious?

        Do not use DHCP, PXE, etc.  static IP only.  So need to pass the 
IP, gateway, netmask
        I pass parameters on the line which in turn causes actions to be 
taken in the %post section of the kickstart. (cat /proc/cmdline during the 
building of the server)
Here is an example of the virt-install command that is ran currently.

virt-install --name=testing123 --ram=8192 --vcpus=4 
--mac=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff --location=http://myspacewalk/ks/dist/org/z/distro 
--disk path=/dev/myvolumegroup/testing123_lv --bridge=bridge## 
--extra-args="ks=http://myspacewalk/ks/cfg/org/z/label/mykickstart noipv6 
noselinux serial console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 ip=xx.yy.zz.aa 
gateway=xx.yy.zz.aa netmask=xx.yy.zz.aa dns=dns1 hostname=testing123 
hyper=myhyper flag1=yes flag2=yes   " --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel6 
--arch=x86_64 --accelerate --noautoconsole --nographics

- Thanks in advance


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