[Spacewalk-list] Client updates failing

Jan Hutař jhutar at redhat.com
Wed Feb 17 06:15:26 UTC 2016

On 2016-02-16 21:40 +0000, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
>>After backing up/modifying packages.py as follows:
>>        found = False
>>        for pkg in pkgs:
>>            print "Current:", current.epoch, current.version, current.release
>>            print "Candidate:", evr.epoch, evr.version, evr.release
>>            print "Comparasion:", current.compare(evr)
>>            if pkg.returnEVR().compare(evr) == 0:
>>                log.log_debug('Package %s already installed' \
>>                    % _yum_package_tup(package))
>>           ~
>>I ran rhn_check, with the following output:
>>[root at server actions]# /usr/sbin/rhn_check -vv
>>D: check_action{'action': "<?xml
>>'version': 2, 'id': 2739}
>>updateLoginInfo() login info
>>D: login(forceUpdate=True) invoked
>>logging into up2date server
>>D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.login
>>D: writeCachedLogin() invoked
>>D: Wrote pickled loginInfo at 1455646702.53 with expiration of 1455650302.53 seconds.
>>successfully retrieved authentication token from up2date server
>>D: logininfo:{'X-RHN-Server-Id': 1000010162, 'X-RHN-Auth-Server-Time':
>>'1455646703.57', 'X-RHN-Auth':
>>'sZm51YnvCfQzwXsCTshBPfpBxhhT9xkRb9NubPX098Q=', 'X-RHN-Auth-Channels':
>>[['centos5-x86_64', '20150219163429', '1', '1'],
>>['centos5-base-x86_64', '20160215172513', '0', '1'],
>>['centos5-updates-x86_64', '20160215181106', '0', '1'],
>>['epel5-x86_64', '20160215181856', '0', '1'], ['puppet-el5-x86_64',
>>'20160213002732', '0', '1'], ['rpmforge-el5-x86_64', '20160215131156',
>>'0', '1'], ['spacewalk-client-el5-x86_64', '20160215175220', '0',
>>'1']], 'X-RHN-Auth-User-Id': '', 'X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset': '3600.0'}
>>D: handle_action{'action': "<?xml
>>'version': 2, 'id': 2739}
>>D: handle_action actionid = 2739, version = 2
>>D: do_call packages.update([['tzdata', '2016a', '1.el5', '',
>>'x86_64']],){'cache_only': None} Loaded plugins: fastestmirror,
>>D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.listChannels This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
>>Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
>> * base: mirror.atlanticmetro.net
>> * epel: mirror.vcu.edu
>> * extras: mirror.trouble-free.net
>> * updates: mirror.netdepot.com
>>Reducing Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 - x86_64 to included
>>packages only Finished Checking for new repos for mirrors
>>D: Called update[['tzdata', '2016a', '1.el5', '', 'x86_64']]
>>Current: D: Sending back response((6,), 'Fatal error in Python code
>>occurred', {})
>>D: do_call packages.checkNeedUpdate('rhnsd=1',){}
>>D: local action status: (0, 'rpm database not modified since last
>>update (or package list recently updated)', {})
>>D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC registration.welcome_message
>>Since adding the lines in packages.py, I see the following in the Spacewalk UI:
>>Details: This action will be executed after 2/16/16 1:13:00 PM EST This
>>action's status is: Failed.
>>The client picked up this action on 2/16/16 1:18 PM The client
>>completed this action on 2/16/16 1:18 PM Client execution returned
>>"Fatal error in Python code occurred [[6]]" (code -1)
>>Packages Scheduled:
>Details about his "Fatal error in Python code occurred" should be logged on client in /var/log/up2date.
>Also please restart your Spacewalk after this change in the code (but you have probably already done that).
>Jan Hutar     Systems Management QA
>jhutar at redhat.com     Red Hat, Inc.
>Oops, I actually hadn't restarted the Spacewalk server after changing the code in the client.  After doing so, I stopped osad on the client, and ran rhn_check:
>[root at server ~]# /usr/sbin/rhn_check -vv
>D: do_call packages.checkNeedUpdate('rhnsd=1',){}
>Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, rhnplugin
>D: login(forceUpdate=False) invoked
>D: readCachedLogin invoked
>D: Checking pickled loginInfo, currentTime=1455657841.6, createTime=1455646702.53, expire-offset=3600.0
>D: Pickled loginInfo has expired, created = 1455646702.53, expire = 1455650302.53.
>logging into up2date server
>D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.login
>D: writeCachedLogin() invoked
>D: Wrote pickled loginInfo at 1455657841.63 with expiration of 1455661441.63 seconds.
>successfully retrieved authentication token from up2date server
>D: logininfo:{'X-RHN-Server-Id': 1000010162, 'X-RHN-Auth-Server-Time': '1455657842.92', 'X-RHN-Auth': 'x8Ca4i9/NXvPC+OuoInP44M1JGiuyr2aYiks1BKbQhY=', 'X-RHN-Auth-Channels': [['centos5-x86_64', '20150219163429', '1', '1'], ['centos5-base-x86_64', '20160215172513', '0', '1'], ['centos5-updates-x86_64', '20160215181106', '0', '1'], ['epel5-x86_64', '20160215181856', '0', '1'], ['puppet-el5-x86_64', '20160213002732', '0', '1'], ['rpmforge-el5-x86_64', '20160215131156', '0', '1'], ['spacewalk-client-el5-x86_64', '20160215175220', '0', '1']], 'X-RHN-Auth-User-Id': '', 'X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset': '3600.0'}
>D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.listChannels
>This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
>Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
> * base: mirror.atlanticmetro.net
> * epel: mirrors.mit.edu
> * extras: mirror.trouble-free.net
> * updates: mirrors.seas.harvard.edu
>Reducing Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 - x86_64 to included packages only
>Checking for new repos for mirrors
>D: local action status: (0, 'rpm database not modified since last update (or package list recently updated)', {})
>D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC registration.welcome_message
>[root at bluefield ~]# tail -f /var/log/up2date
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date D: Pickled loginInfo has expired, created = 1455646702.53, expire = 1455650302.53.
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date logging into up2date server
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.login
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date D: writeCachedLogin() invoked
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date D: Wrote pickled loginInfo at 1455657841.63 with expiration of 1455661441.63 seconds.
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date successfully retrieved authentication token from up2date server
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date D: logininfo:{'X-RHN-Server-Id': 1000010162, 'X-RHN-Auth-Server-Time': '1455657842.92', 'X-RHN-Auth': 'x8Ca4i9/NXvPC+OuoInP44M1JGiuyr2aYiks1BKbQhY=', 'X-RHN-Auth-Channels': [['centos5-x86_64', '20150219163429', '1', '1'], ['centos5-base-x86_64', '20160215172513', '0', '1'], ['centos5-updates-x86_64', '20160215181106', '0', '1'], ['epel5-x86_64', '20160215181856', '0', '1'], ['puppet-el5-x86_64', '20160213002732', '0', '1'], ['rpmforge-el5-x86_64', '20160215131156', '0', '1'], ['spacewalk-client-el5-x86_64', '20160215175220', '0', '1']], 'X-RHN-Auth-User-Id': '', 'X-RHN-Auth-Expire-Offset': '3600.0'}
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:01 2016] up2date D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC up2date.listChannels
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:06 2016] up2date D: local action status: (0, 'rpm database not modified since last update (or package list recently updated)', {})
>[Tue Feb 16 16:24:06 2016] up2date D: rpcServer: Calling XMLRPC registration.welcome_message
>I restarted osad on the client, then tried to do an update from the Spacewalk server.  I watched the output of top, and saw rhn_check try to run three or four times, but always go to "rhn_check <defunct>"

looks like this time package update was not scheduled (or was picked
up by rhn_check started by osad) before you ran `rhn_check -vv`
manually. I suggest to do the testing with osad turned off on the
client so it is not picking events before you.

And I woul not worry too much about these "<defunct>"s:


I believe you might want to do something like this:

  1. schedule problematic package update for client on the spacewalk
  2. client# service osad stop
  3. client# tail -f /var/log/up2date &
  4. client# rhn_check -vv


Jan Hutar     Systems Management QA
jhutar at redhat.com     Red Hat, Inc.

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