[Spacewalk-list] spacewalk-repo-sync errors with SLES repos on CentOS-7

Lichtinger, Bernhard Bernhard.Lichtinger at lrz.de
Thu Nov 10 09:26:48 UTC 2016

> Repo http://SMT-SERVER/pub/SMT/SLES11-SP4-Updates/sle-11-x86_64 has 381 errata.
> ERROR: 'InvalidPackageError' object has no attribute 'with_traceback'
> Sync completed.

After changing line 604 in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/backend.py to
raise_with_tb(not_found[0], not_found[1])

I get more info with the above ERROR, e.g.:

Repo http://SMT-SERVER/pub/SMT/SLES11-SP4-Updates/sle-11-x86_64 has 381 errata.
ERROR: Could not find object [<spacewalk.server.importlib.importLib.IncompletePackage instance; attributes={'channels': None, 'nevrao': ('pam-32bit', None, '1.1.5', '0.17.2', 'x86_64', 1), 'package_id': 361804, 'checksums': {'md5': '9f97a66c3d64f005af572d7de04ac161'}, 'filename': 'pam-32bit-1.1.5-0.17.2.x86_64.rpm', 'package_size': None, 'epoch': None, 'version': '1.1.5', 'name_id': 3599, 'checksum_id': 12360858, 'evr_id': 73214, 'checksum_list': None, 'release': '0.17.2', 'last_modified': None, 'arch': 'x86_64', 'src': 'x86_64/pam-32bit-1.1.5-0.17.2.x86_64.rpm', 'package_arch_id': 119, 'name': 'pam-32bit', 'checksum': '9f97a66c3d64f005af572d7de04ac161', 'md5sum': None, 'org_id': 1, 'nevra_id': 311719, 'checksum_type': 'md5'}] in table rhnPackage

The error happens when 
 self.backend.lookupPackages(list(self.packages.values()), self.checksums, self.ignoreMissing)
is called in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/errataImport.py line 133, function fix(self).

But I can find the above package in the table rhnPackage:

rhnschema=# select * from rhnPackage where id = 361804;
 361804 |      1 |    3599 |  73216 |             119 |            14 |     | PAM (Pluggable
 Authentication Modules) is a system security tool that+| A Security Tool that Provides Authenticati
on for Applications |       177907 |       624540 |         616636 | sheep24    | 2016-06-16 11:57:4
4 |         96742 |    12360858 | SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany | cpio           |   
   0 | redhat/1/9f9/pam-32bit/1.1.5-0.17.2/x86_64/9f97a66c3d64f005af572d7de04ac161/pam-32bit-1.1.5-0
.17.2.x86_64.rpm |            | BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later |        | 2016-06-23 21:07:24+02 | 20
16-06-23 21:07:24.494433+02 | 2016-06-23 21:07:24.494433+02 |          616 |      16376
(1 row)

A similar error happens when I try to upload a self made rpm package via rhnpush:

 File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/spacewalk/server/importlib/backend.py", line 1659, in __lookupObjectCollection
    raise InvalidPackageError(object, "Could not find object %s in table %s" % (object, tableName))
InvalidPackageError: Could not find object [<spacewalk.server.importlib.importLib.IncompletePackage instance; attributes={'package_size': None, 'package_arch_id': 100, 'name': 'MY-RPM', 'checksum_list': None, 'md5sum': None, 'org_id': 1, 'epoch': None, 'checksums': {'md5': 'e73473dce1122cc5f1be4e9c0f941f29'}, 'channels': {284: 'MY-CHANNEL'}, 'nevra_id': 299532, 'package_id': None, 'last_modified': None, 'name_id': 13780, 'version': '1.0.8', 'checksum': 'e73473dce1122cc5f1be4e9c0f941f29', 'release': '29', 'checksum_type': 'md5', 'arch': 'noarch', 'evr_id': 71216, 'checksum_id': 11812756}] in table rhnPackage

As I said before, running SW-2.5 on Centos-6 this was all working, now on Centos-7 I get these errors.

Can anybody give me some hints, where to search further for the cause of these errors?	

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