[Spacewalk-list] xmlrpclib.ProtocolError issue with spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle

Robert Paschedag robert.paschedag at web.de
Tue Feb 19 17:30:32 UTC 2019

Am 19. Februar 2019 16:44:24 MEZ schrieb "Jérôme Meyer" <Jerome.Meyer at lcsystems.ch>:
>Hi Everyone,
>I'm using the spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle to manage my
>spacewalk's channel.
>Sometimes when I run this command, I've received this following error
>on epel channel but not on any other channel.
>At the end I've runned with channel exclusion (-x
>dev-epel7-centos7-x86_64) and all was fine but it isn't the solution...
>1)  In this case I just started the command a second time. This is the
>reason why there is no package.
>2)  The only difference I see between the epel channel and the others
>is that there are a lot of packets to transfert.
># spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle -c dev-centos7-x86_64 --promote
>INFO: Merging packages from dev-centos7-x86_64 into test-centos7-x86_64
>INFO: Added 0 packages
>INFO: Merging errata into test-centos7-x86_64
>INFO: Added 0 errata
>INFO: Merging packages from dev-centos7-x86_64-centosplus into
>INFO: Added 0 packages
>INFO: Merging errata into test-centos7-x86_64-centosplus
>INFO: Added 0 errata
>INFO: Merging packages from dev-centos7-x86_64-extras into
>INFO: Added 0 packages
>INFO: Merging errata into test-centos7-x86_64-extras
>INFO: Added 0 errata
>INFO: Merging packages from dev-epel7-centos7-x86_64 into
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/bin/spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle", line 575, in <module>
>    merge_channels(child_source, child_dest)
>File "/bin/spacewalk-manage-channel-lifecycle", line 213, in
>    dest_label)
>  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1233, in __call__
>    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
>  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1591, in __request
>    verbose=self.__verbose
>  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1273, in request
>    return self.single_request(host, handler, request_body, verbose)
> File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py", line 1321, in single_request
>    response.msg,
>xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for
>chlxintmgmtp01.weforum.local/rpc/api: 500 Internal Server Error>

What I could think of, is that there are too many transaction going onto the database and it just takes too long so you get that 500 error.

Had this when I was to clean (and archive) finished actions. Had to do this in steps
Otherwise I got an 500 error. But that was somewhere in SW 2.7 I think.


>Has anyone ever had this problem before?
>A suggestion or an idea that could help me?
>Thanks and best regards,

sent from my mobile device

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