[Tendrl-devel] Sprint 6 planning meeting

Jeff Applewhite japplewh at redhat.com
Wed Nov 30 20:06:16 UTC 2016

Hi All

To summarize the sprint planning meeting today:

   - Most of the priority will be around the "hack days" next week in
   Bangalore to complete TEN - 156-158.
   - Another equally high priority is to get to demo (and DoD) for TEN - 43
   by way of demonstrating automated functional testing of a Gluster vol
   create and getting this to "Accepted!"
   - From there we will pull in or complete these other items:

TEN - 43          Create a basic Gluster volume via API. Working to move
into accepted.
TEN - 84          Performance Monitoring, Alerts, Notifications
TEN - 49          SPIKE: Proposal for the monitoring stack in USM
TEN - 130        Create APIs for open stack driven creation
TEN - 156        Improve Distributed Job orchestration
TEN - 157        Refactoring. Waiting for the
​Github ​
specs to be completed by COB tomorrow BLR
​ - please email list with details​

TEN - 158        Generate API documentation automatically
TEN - 164        Ceph cluster installation in the UX
TEN -  26         Provide remote management access to storage nodes. Should
be closed by end of sprint 6.

Jeff Applewhite
Principal Product Manager

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