[Tendrl-devel] gluster_bridge on rhel/centos 6

Martin Bukatovic mbukatov at redhat.com
Thu Oct 13 08:29:50 UTC 2016

On 10/12/2016 09:45 PM, Ric Wheeler wrote:
> This is supposed to be an upstream list - not a Red Hat product list.
> What I suggest is that we focus on doing the right thing for the current
> upstream new targets and let Red Hat (or others) worry about what their
> distros ship or not.

You are right. But since the tendrl project expects it's components to
be installed on machines running software defined storage and such
machines are usually running some long term stable linux distros,
tendrl project needs to take this into account during some decisions
in upstream as well. Which is why I asked about the upstream plan for
gluster_bridge on epel 6.

And so far, it seems that the upstream direction here is to ignore this
issue, stay with python 2.7 and other dependencies as it is now. Is my
impression on this correct?

Martin Bukatovic
USM QE team

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