[Tendrl-devel] bugs

Jeff Applewhite japplewh at redhat.com
Tue Sep 20 20:43:01 UTC 2016

Hi All

I'd like to gage people's thoughts on the proper place for bugs in Tendrl.
Among the options are:


   - *Jira*

Pros: close to the project management side of things, good history for this
type of function in Jira, ?
Cons: further from the code, medium feature capability, ?

   - *Github issues*

Pros: closer to the code (and the developers), ?
Cons: quite simple, lack of features, ?

   - *Bugzilla**

Pros:  full featured, well known, eases the pain for downstream
(duplicative reduction/no sync needed), ?
Cons: Further from the code, not integrated into Jira, ?


I want to hear people's honest opinion of the pros/cons of each so we make
a good choice. Please add to or correct the pros/cons list.

(*In the Bugzilla case the proposal is to do something similar to upstream
OpenShift Origin where there is an upstream component within Bugzilla
specifically for the Tendrl codebase, *not the downstream release.)


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