[Tendrl-devel] tendrl-selinux

Martin Bukatovic mbukatov at redhat.com
Thu Oct 12 18:16:44 UTC 2017

Dear tendrl devel list,

I have finished work on tendrl-selinux, so that repository


is ready to be inspected by tendrl team and transferred into Tendrl
organization. Besides that, we would need to enable rpm builds on
the new repository.

Related pull requests (removing selinux code from other repositories):

* https://github.com/Tendrl/api/pull/321
* https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/pull/443

This work fixes the following problems:

* https://github.com/Tendrl/api/issues/291
* https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/issues/424
* having SELinux policies in 2 unrelated repositories
  makes maintenance and auditing harder
* it was hard to find a proper place to report SELinux issues, as
  the selinux code was hidden

Moreover I:

* merged tendrl server and tendrl node policies into singe
  one, based on suggestion from Lukáš Vrabec of SELinux team
* rewrote the specfile from scratch based on fedora wikipage


Martin Bukatovic
USM QE team
Red Hat

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