[Thincrust-devel] Updates are in

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Mon Aug 18 14:14:00 UTC 2008

At the end of last week, I pushed into the configuration engine a simple 
update model. It utilizes a cron job to schedule yum to acutally do the 
updates. There are two choices for pushing updates recipes.

Option 1 is to provided an update to the original recipe. The "normal" 
recipe is executed first, and puppet will take care of ensuring the 
configuration is correct.
Option 2 is to provide an "update" recipe which is located in 
ACEHOME/appliances/[appliance_name/updates. Any reciepe located there is 
executed after the normal recipe is executed. Again, this is a standard 
puppet manifest.

To enable this, you can add a call to the following puppet defintion to 
your recipes:

define appliance_base::enable_updates($min = "0",
                        $hour = "5",
                        $day = "*",
                        $month = "*",
                        $day_of_week = "*")

-- bk

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