Tux not reading MIME types

Johann Burkard jb at eaio.de
Sun Aug 15 19:36:18 UTC 2004


Marco Rothley wrote:
> A little more information would be helpful. Are you sure, the page is
> served by TUX? How does your tux.mime.types file look like? Are other
> files served correctly? ...

there was a problem with Gentoo's tux-3.2.16.ebuild that wouldn't want to
compile on my machine, so I took tux and tux2w3c from another machine with a
2.4.18 kernel. Now I have 2.6.5 and tux basically works, but the MIME types
are not working:

(GET / HTTP/1.0)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: ed, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT
Server: TUX/2.0 (Linux)
Content-Length: 5113
ETag: "5113-ebangejn"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Last-Modified: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 21:46:05 GMT

Even images are served as text/plain.

Here's the /etc/tux.mime.types file:

# This is the default mime.types file from the TUX web server distribution
# there are two MIME-types intercepted by TUX:
# - all extensions listed after TUX/redirect will be redirected
#   to the secondary server.
# - all extensions listed after TUX/CGI will be handled by the
#   TUX CGI engine directly.
# - all extensions listed after TUX/module will be handled by
#   TUX userspace modules.
# MIME type                     Extension

TUX/redirect                    redir WEB-INF jsp
TUX/CGI                         cgi pl
TUX/module                      tux x
application/msword              doc
application/octet-stream        bin dms lha lzh exe class
application/pdf                 pdf
application/rtf                 rtf
application/smil                smi smil
application/x-bzip2             bz2
application/x-gtar              gtar
application/x-gzip              gz tgz
application/x-javascript        js
application/x-shockwave-flash   swf
application/x-tar               tar
audio/mpeg                      mpga mp2 mp3
audio/x-pn-realaudio            ram rm
audio/x-realaudio               ra
audio/x-wav                     wav
image/gif                       gif
image/jpeg                      jpeg jpg jpe
image/png                       png
image/tiff                      tiff tif
model/vrml                      wrl vrml
text/css                        css
text/plain                      asc txt
text/richtext                   rtx
text/rtf                        rtf
text/sgml                       sgml sgm
text/tab-separated-values       tsv
text/xml                        xml xsl xslt
video/mpeg                      mpeg mpg mpe
video/quicktime                 qt mov
video/x-msvideo                 avi
text/html                       html htm xhtml xhtm



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