virtual hosts, file mapping

Armen Eyal aergis at
Mon Mar 7 01:21:22 UTC 2005

i don't know how to modify tux kernel patch to map objectnames to files,
and since kernel compilation, reboots take a while, i'm looking for some help

eg. /X/key/file -> /home/y/file

any hint where could i put a code like this

if( ! strncmp(req->objectname,"/X/",3) )
   char *key = NULL;
   if( ! (key= strchr( req->objectname+3, '/' )) ) return ACCESS_DENIED; 
   *key = 0;
   if( checkKey( req, key+1 ) < 0 ) return ACCESS_DENIED; 
   *key = '/';
   sprintf( fileToSend, "/home%s", key );

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