Tux listen on different IP or Port

Max Helmet max at expires-2004.workforce.de
Wed Feb 8 16:17:10 UTC 2006

Hi Alex,

You probably altered /proc/net/tux/0/listen/0 while TUX was running. I think
TUX needs to be stopped when you alter the file.

I just tried the following, and it worked on my end:

$ /etc/init.d/tux stop
$ echo "" > /proc/net/tux/0/listen/0
$ /etc/init.d/tux start
$ netstat -lt
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0  *:*                     LISTEN


> Dear Max,
> I want to run Tux on one IP to serve up soley static content (images
> and so on). I am under the impression that this will give me greater
> performance than thttpd.
> I want to run Apache on another IP to server up PHP websites.
> echo "http://x.x.x.x:80" > /proc/net/tux/0/listen/0
> Indeed changes that file, but when I restart tux it is still listening
> on all IP addresses bound to that server!
> If I change the port it just ignores it and remains bound to port 80.
> With many thanks,
> Alex

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