installing tux

Sam Watkins swatkins at
Wed Apr 1 08:01:05 UTC 2009

hi there,

I would like to know how to install tux, I am using an ubuntu system
with kernel 2.6.27.

The reason I want to install tux is that I am developing a user-space
web-server which now runs faster than litespeed web server, and I would
like to benchmark it against tux.

The doc here is out of
date and the userspace utils mentioned there are no longer available in
that directory. Where can I get them?

The most recent patch there is for 2.6.18, do I have to use that earlier
kernel version with tux, or does someone have a patch for 2.6.27 or

Is it possible to build and load tux as a module or do I need to compile
the entire kernel?


Sam Watkins

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