[vfio-users] issues about windows GPU drivers update after passthrough

fulaiyang fulaiyang at 163.com
Fri Mar 17 02:26:00 UTC 2017

    Thank you for your advise. The guest system update is ok but graphic driver. 
And when I manually update the graphic driver, it can not work too. I don't know 
whether this is caused by the unknown problem of vfio or my mistakes while I 
setting up my passthrough environment.

At 2017-03-17 00:28:45, "trigger-happy" <triggerhappyelite at gmail.com> wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 6:44 PM, fulaiyang <fulaiyang at 163.com> wrote:
>> Hi:
>>     Thank you for your advise. I use the seabios to boot the guest and what
>> I do is GPU passthrough.
>> It may be different from yours. Do you have any other ways?
>Assuming that seabios, qemu and the linux kernel weren't updated between the
>time your VM was working and the time it had problems, then the most likely
>culprit is as you said, windows deciding to update the drivers.
>What you can do is to remove the GPU passthrough for now and add a virtual
>graphics device (I suggest QXL) by adding '-vga qxl' to the qemu command line
>and removing the '-nographic' command line option.
>From there, try updating windows completely, reboot if necessary and then
>shut down the VM once everything is done.
>Afterwards, add the GPU passthrough again while retaining the '-vga qxl' option.
>This should hopefully let windows display itself in the SDL window while showing
>nothing through the GPU output.
>If everything boots up fine, reinstall/update your GPU drivers. If
>everything goes
>well, you should see something on the display connected to your GPU. If nothing
>happens or the system hangs, then we'll have to try some other method.
>> At 2017-03-16 14:22:20, "trigger-happy" <triggerhappyelite at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Apologies to everyone if this ends up becoming a new thread. I've been
>>>subscribed to this mailing list under the digest format and didn't
>>>realize it would be so awkward to reply to an individual message.
>>>>Yesterday my windows 10 guest suddenly turned to black screen, and >after
>>>> rebooting windows 10, GPU didn't work.
>>>>I find that the GPU drivers has been updated to the newest version by
>>>> >windows 10 automatically and it doesn't work.
>>>>And windows 7 has the same thing. However if I install the windows 10
>>>> >into the host machine derectly, the GPU driver
>>>>can be updated to the newest version. If somebody encounter this >problem?
>>>Are you using UEFI (ovmf/edk2) for booting up your guest? Or is it
>>>using the legacy MBR/BIOS method? If it's the former, you might want
>>>to check what version of ovmf/edk2 you're using. I ran into this kind
>>>of problem yesterday on my own setup after upgrading ovmf-git (I'm on
>>>Arch linux).
>>>ovmf-git-21341.bd40dd27aa-1-x86_64 broke my setup and I had to do a
>>>bit of hacking to build ovmf-git-18754.dc99315b87-1-x86_64 and get my
>>>windows 10 guest to boot up again.
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