[virt-tools-list] RHEV, KVM, OpenGL and Memory Page Sharing

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Thu Aug 13 12:22:09 UTC 2009


Sorry if this isn't the right mailing list, but it's the closest I've been
able to find among the list of lists available on related subjects.

I have seen a number of articles mentioning RHEV, but I haven't found any
details on the RedHat website about this product. Is it RHEL stripped down
to bare essentials? Are the SRPMs available for this distribution?

Is OpenGL abstraction/redirection avaialble on either Xen or KVM solutions
available on RHEL5? I have seen mentions of VMGL working on KVM and Xen,
but no RedHat/Fedora specific documentation, and even the KVM site only
refers to teletubby^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HUbuntu, which requires additional
patches for 64-bit support (it is unclear whether this refers to 64-bit
hosts or both guests and hosts). ;^) Has anyone got a pointer toward any
docs or howtos on how to get KVM with OpenGL acceleration working or
Windows guests with RHEL5?

Are 64-bit guests supported with OpenGL acceleration? I have only seen
mentions of 32-bitness in the WineD3D wiki, so I'm assuming that trying to
get this working on a 64-bit Windows guest would be an exercise in
futility, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Having said that, isn't that only
relevant on 64-bit applications, and 32-bit WD3D should still work even on
a 64-bit system?

Or am I running way, way ahead of the bleeding edge here?

Finally, does RHEL5 contain the KVM patches for memory page sharing
(introduced circa 2.6.25)?

My primary use-case is replacing dual boot (Windows/Linux) workstations
with virtualized ones to avoid the disruptive rebooting all the time. It'd
be much neater to just have each OS VM running on a different virtual
terminal, assuming the performance is even remotely livable with.



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