[virt-tools-list] problem with network services in a rhel 5.5 vm

Kenneth Armstrong digimars at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 00:38:03 UTC 2010

I'm not sure what I'm missing here.

I have 2 RHEL 5.5 vm's installed on my Fedora 13 host, using NAT
(since I don't have bridging set up).  I can ssh into my vm's, but
when I open other ports on the guest's firewall (such as FTP, DNS,
etc.) I can't access those ports on the VM.  I ran nmap against my
guests, and they show that the ports are there, but closed (as in

21/tcp  closed ftp
22/tcp  open   ssh
53/tcp  closed domain
631/tcp closed ipp
MAC Address: 52:54:00:5A:B3:E4 (QEMU Virtual NIC)

Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing to make this work
with my guests?

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