[virt-tools-list] Virt-manager (annoyance / bug?) - frequently

Matthias Witte witte at netzquadrat.de
Tue Nov 22 16:31:26 UTC 2011


> Hope it gets accepted soon.

I haven't heard anything yet. If you run virt-manager from the
commandline with the '--debug' switch and see that nc is called without
the '-q' option you can fix that for yourself untill the patch is
accepted, it's all in console.py. Two things are necessary:

 - replace nc_cmd in class Tunnel
 - in class vmmConsolePages do not return if self.tunnels is set
   (this is more of a hack, since I am not sure, if that is really
    the right thing to do, but it's necessary to make vnc reconnects
	work again).

The rest of the patch only adds debugging messages and is irrelevant
in regard to the plain bug.

Kind regard,

Matthias Witte - witte at netzquadrat.de
Telefon: +49 (0)211-30 20 33-18
Telefax: +49 (0)211-30 20 33-22

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