[virt-tools-list] Is qemu-ifup script called through the virt-manager?

faiza anwar faiza.anwar07 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 11:43:27 UTC 2012


I was doing some experimentation with the networking of qemu VMs
(configured in bridged networking mode). For this, I needed to do some
modifications in the qemu-ifup script. Actually I wanted that the virtual
(tap) interfaces should not be added in the linux bridge as they are added
in the qemu-ifup script. I did those changes in the script and booted the
Virtual Machine through Virt-Manager GUI. But It seems that the qemu-ifup
script is not invoked by the Virt-manager at VM startup. Although the VM
gets booted properly and the created virtual interface is added to the

When I see the running processes after booting up the VM I see a long kvm
command used to boot up the VM.

*/usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-1.0 -enable-kvm -m 1024 -smp
-name VM2 -uuid d1e5f7f6-847b-e**127-64bb-d91fdc**e53acd -nodefconfig
-nodefaults -chardev socket,id=charm**onitor,path=/va**r/lib/libvirt/q**
emu/VM2.monitor**,server,nowait -mon
-rtc base=utc -no-shutdown -drive file=/var/lib/l**ibvirt/images/V**
M2.img,if=none,**id=drive-virtio**-disk0,format=r**aw -device
d=virtio-disk0,**bootindex=1 -drive if=none,media=c**drom,id=drive-i**
de0-1-0,readonl**y=on,format=raw -device ide-drive,bus=i**de.1,unit=0,dri**
ve=drive-ide0-1**-0,id=ide0-1-0 -netdev tap,fd=18,id=ho**stnet0 -device
,bus=pci.0,addr**=0x3 -chardev pty,id=charseri**al0 -device isa-serial,char*
*dev=charserial0**,id=serial0 -usb -vnc -vga cirrus -device
intel-hda,id=so**und0,bus=pci.0,**addr=0x4 -device hda-duplex,id=s**
ound0-codec0,bu**s=sound0.0,cad=**0 -device virtio-balloon-**pci,id=balloon0

* If I run that command directly to boot the VM the qemu-ifup script is
invoked. I assumed that the qemu-ifup script should be invoked through the
GUI as well but it is not the case. Can you please tell if I am missing on
some thing here?

If the qemu-ifup script is not run, where are the virtual interfaces added
in the bridge?

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