[virt-tools-list] Obtaining usable output from virDomainMemoryStats()

Tadej Janež tadej.janez at tadej.hicsalta.si
Tue May 14 14:39:35 UTC 2013


thanks for taking the time and explaining this in detail.

On Mon, 2013-05-13 at 11:09 -0600, Eric Blake wrote: 
> There is work underway to switch to an event-based solution - where qemu
> periodically asks the guest but without blocking, the guest informs qemu
> when it wants, and where libvirt can then query the most recent guest
> information (if any) without blocking, which works to remove the hole of
> a non-cooperative guest stopping progress.  But until libvirt been has
> wired up to use the new QMP querying commands for those properties (and
> for that matter, until you are using a qemu new enough), there's no way
> for libvirt to report a stat that qemu doesn't provide.

This seems like a reasonable approach.

Virt-manager will then have cater for both cases, when libvirt can
provide this info via QMP query commands and when it can't.

> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2013-01/msg04832.html
> I couldn't (quickly) find an open bugzilla against libvirt requesting
> that it start using the qom-get command on new-enough qemu, in order to
> get guest memory stat reporting back operational.

I've also searched RH bugzilla tickets for libvirt (product:
Virtualization Tools), but couldn't find a bug report about this.

Should I file a new bug report so we can track this?

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