[virt-tools-list] Connect VLAN Interface to Virtual Network

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Wed Mar 26 12:19:23 UTC 2014

On 03/25/2014 10:57 PM, Justin Brown wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to create a new bridge network in virt-manager, but I'm
> having some difficultly. The basic problem is that I'm working on a
> tagged VLAN network, so I want to connect the bridge to one of the
> VLAN network interfaces, not a physical device.
> I have a single physical device, p118p1, and three VLAN interfaces,
> vlan2, vlan3, and vlan4. I want to create a network called vmbr0, and
> connect vlan4 to it.
> I go through the "create a new virtual network" setup, and I encounter
> a problem on step 4 when I try to connect it to an external network. I
> want to choose "forwarding to physical network." Unfortuantely, the
> only entries for "destination" are "any physical device," "physical
> device lo," and "physical device p118p1." vlan4 doesn't show up in
> this list.
> How can I connect a virt-manager virtual network to a vlan destination
> interface?

If you want to create a traditional bridge, likely what you want to use is
Host Details->Interfaces->'+'->type=bridge and follow along from there.

But beyond that we need more info: what virt-manager version, what host distro


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