[virt-tools-list] [virt-bootstrap] [PATCH v4 14/26] Drop unused functions

Radostin Stoyanov rstoyanov1 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 13:13:12 UTC 2017

Remove the functions create_qcow2() and extract_layers_in_qcow2()
as they were replaced with the class Build_QCOW2_Image.

Remove the unit tests as well.
 src/virtBootstrap/utils.py  | 61 ----------------------------
 tests/test_docker_source.py | 38 +++++------------
 tests/test_file_source.py   | 35 ----------------
 tests/test_utils.py         | 99 ---------------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/virtBootstrap/utils.py b/src/virtBootstrap/utils.py
index 19aaa17..965dcad 100644
--- a/src/virtBootstrap/utils.py
+++ b/src/virtBootstrap/utils.py
@@ -302,67 +302,6 @@ def get_mime_type(path):
-def create_qcow2(tar_file, layer_file, backing_file=None, size=DEF_QCOW2_SIZE):
-    """
-    Create qcow2 image from tarball.
-    """
-    qemu_img_cmd = ["qemu-img", "create", "-f", "qcow2", layer_file, size]
-    if not backing_file:
-        logger.info("Creating base qcow2 image")
-        execute(qemu_img_cmd)
-        logger.info("Formatting qcow2 image")
-        execute(['virt-format',
-                 '--format=qcow2',
-                 '--partition=none',
-                 '--filesystem=ext3',
-                 '-a', layer_file])
-    else:
-        # Add backing chain
-        qemu_img_cmd.insert(2, "-b")
-        qemu_img_cmd.insert(3, backing_file)
-        logger.info("Creating qcow2 image with backing chain")
-        execute(qemu_img_cmd)
-    # Extract tarball using "tar-in" command from libguestfs
-    tar_in_cmd = ["guestfish",
-                  "-a", layer_file,
-                  '-m', '/dev/sda',
-                  'tar-in', tar_file, "/"]
-    # Check if tarball is compressed
-    compression = get_compression_type(tar_file)
-    if compression is not None:
-        tar_in_cmd.append('compress:' + compression)
-    # Execute virt-tar-in command
-    execute(tar_in_cmd)
-def extract_layers_in_qcow2(layers_list, dest_dir, progress):
-    """
-    Extract docker layers in qcow2 images with backing chains.
-    """
-    qcow2_backing_file = None
-    nlayers = len(layers_list)
-    for index, layer in enumerate(layers_list):
-        log_layer_extract(layer, index + 1, nlayers, progress)
-        tar_file = layer[2]
-        # Name format for the qcow2 image
-        qcow2_layer_file = "{}/layer-{}.qcow2".format(dest_dir, index)
-        # Create the image layer
-        create_qcow2(tar_file, qcow2_layer_file, qcow2_backing_file)
-        # Keep the file path for the next layer
-        qcow2_backing_file = qcow2_layer_file
-        # Update progress value
-        progress(value=(float(index + 1) / nlayers * 50) + 50)
 def get_image_dir(no_cache=False):
     Get the directory where image layers are stored.
diff --git a/tests/test_docker_source.py b/tests/test_docker_source.py
index 4859e1b..3865be6 100644
--- a/tests/test_docker_source.py
+++ b/tests/test_docker_source.py
@@ -525,14 +525,6 @@ class TestDockerSource(unittest.TestCase):
         self._unpack_test_fmt('dir', 'virtBootstrap.utils.untar_layers')
-    def test_unpack_qcow2_format(self):
-        """
-        Ensures that unpack() calls extract_layers_in_qcow2() when the
-        output format is set to 'qcow2'.
-        """
-        self._unpack_test_fmt('qcow2',
-                              'virtBootstrap.utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2')
     def unpack_raise_error_test(self,
@@ -566,32 +558,20 @@ class TestDockerSource(unittest.TestCase):
         patch_method = 'virtBootstrap.utils.untar_layers'
         self.unpack_raise_error_test('dir', patch_method, side_effect, msg)
-    def test_unpack_raise_error_if_extract_in_qcow2_fail(self):
-        """
-        Ensures that unpack() throws an Exception when
-        extract_layers_in_qcow2() fails.
-        """
-        msg = 'Caught extract_layers_in_qcow2 failure'
-        side_effect = Exception(msg)
-        patch_method = 'virtBootstrap.utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2'
-        self.unpack_raise_error_test('qcow2', patch_method, side_effect, msg)
     def test_unpack_no_cache_clean_up(self):
         Ensures that unpack() removes the folder which stores tar archives
         of image layers when no_cache is set to True.
-        output_formats = ['dir', 'qcow2']
-        patch_methods = [
-            'virtBootstrap.utils.untar_layers',
-            'virtBootstrap.utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2'
-        ]
-        for fmt, patch_mthd in zip(output_formats, patch_methods):
-            m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
-            m_self.no_cache = True
-            with mock.patch('shutil.rmtree') as m_shutil:
-                self._unpack_test_fmt(fmt, patch_mthd, m_self=m_self)
-            m_shutil.assert_called_once_with(m_self.images_dir)
+        m_self = self._mock_docker_source()
+        m_self.no_cache = True
+        with mock.patch('shutil.rmtree') as m_shutil:
+            self._unpack_test_fmt(
+                'dir',
+                'virtBootstrap.utils.untar_layers',
+                m_self=m_self
+            )
+        m_shutil.assert_called_once_with(m_self.images_dir)
     def test_unpack_no_cache_clean_up_on_failure(self):
diff --git a/tests/test_file_source.py b/tests/test_file_source.py
index 6e89aa2..a55ae4e 100644
--- a/tests/test_file_source.py
+++ b/tests/test_file_source.py
@@ -87,29 +87,6 @@ class TestFileSource(unittest.TestCase):
         m_untar.assert_called_once_with(m_self.path, dest)
-    def test_unpack_to_qcow2(self):
-        """
-        Ensures that unpack() calls create_qcow2() when the output
-        format is set to 'qcow2'.
-        """
-        m_self = mock.Mock(spec=sources.FileSource)
-        m_self.progress = mock.Mock()
-        m_self.path = 'foo'
-        m_self.output_format = 'qcow2'
-        dest = 'bar'
-        qcow2_file_path = 'foobar'
-        with mock.patch.multiple('os.path',
-                                 isfile=mock.DEFAULT,
-                                 realpath=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
-            mocked['isfile'].return_value = True
-            mocked['realpath'].return_value = qcow2_file_path
-            with mock.patch('virtBootstrap.utils.create_qcow2') as m_qcow2:
-                sources.FileSource.unpack(m_self, dest)
-        m_qcow2.assert_called_once_with(m_self.path, qcow2_file_path)
     def _unpack_raise_error_test(self,
@@ -157,15 +134,3 @@ class TestFileSource(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_unpack_raise_error_if_extract_in_qcow2_fail(self):
-        """
-        Ensures that unpack() throws an Exception when create_qcow2()
-        fails.
-        """
-        msg = 'Caught extract_layers_in_qcow2 failure'
-        patch_method = 'virtBootstrap.utils.create_qcow2'
-        self._unpack_raise_error_test(output_format='qcow2',
-                                      side_effect=Exception(msg),
-                                      patch_method=patch_method,
-                                      msg=msg)
diff --git a/tests/test_utils.py b/tests/test_utils.py
index 0b6ccc0..e45a2c9 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -226,105 +226,6 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
-    # Tests for: create_qcow2()
-    ###################################
-    def _apply_test_to_create_qcow2(self, expected_calls, *args):
-        """
-        This method contains common test pattern used in the next two
-        test cases.
-        """
-        with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
-                                 execute=mock.DEFAULT,
-                                 logger=mock.DEFAULT,
-                                 get_mime_type=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
-            mocked['get_mime_type'].return_value = 'application/x-gzip'
-            utils.create_qcow2(*args)
-        mocked['execute'].assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
-    def test_utils_create_qcow2_base_layer(self):
-        """
-        Ensures that create_qcow2() creates base layer when
-        backing_file = None.
-        """
-        tar_file = 'foo'
-        layer_file = 'bar'
-        size = '5G'
-        backing_file = None
-        expected_calls = [
-            mock.call(["qemu-img", "create", "-f", "qcow2", layer_file, size]),
-            mock.call(['virt-format',
-                       '--format=qcow2',
-                       '--partition=none',
-                       '--filesystem=ext3',
-                       '-a', layer_file]),
-            mock.call(['guestfish',
-                       '-a', layer_file,
-                       '-m', '/dev/sda',
-                       'tar-in', tar_file, '/', 'compress:gzip'])
-        ]
-        self._apply_test_to_create_qcow2(expected_calls, tar_file, layer_file,
-                                         backing_file, size)
-    def test_utils_create_qcow2_layer_with_backing_chain(self):
-        """
-        Ensures that create_qcow2() creates new layer with backing chains
-        when backing_file is specified.
-        """
-        tar_file = 'foo'
-        layer_file = 'bar'
-        backing_file = 'base'
-        size = '5G'
-        expected_calls = [
-            mock.call(['qemu-img', 'create',
-                       '-b', backing_file,
-                       '-f', 'qcow2',
-                       layer_file, size]),
-            mock.call(['guestfish',
-                       '-a', layer_file,
-                       '-m', '/dev/sda',
-                       'tar-in', tar_file, '/', 'compress:gzip'])
-        ]
-        self._apply_test_to_create_qcow2(expected_calls, tar_file, layer_file,
-                                         backing_file, size)
-    ###################################
-    # Tests for: extract_layers_in_qcow2()
-    ###################################
-    def test_utils_if_all_layers_extracted_in_order_in_qcow2(self):
-        """
-        Ensures that extract_layers_in_qcow2() iterates through all
-        layers in order.
-        """
-        layers = ['l1', 'l2', 'l3']
-        layers_list = [['', '', layer] for layer in layers]
-        dest_dir = '/foo'
-        # Generate expected calls
-        expected_calls = []
-        qcow2_backing_file = None
-        for index, layer in enumerate(layers):
-            qcow2_layer_file = dest_dir + "/layer-%s.qcow2" % index
-            expected_calls.append(
-                mock.call(layer, qcow2_layer_file, qcow2_backing_file))
-            qcow2_backing_file = qcow2_layer_file
-        # Mocking out and execute
-        with mock.patch.multiple(utils,
-                                 create_qcow2=mock.DEFAULT,
-                                 log_layer_extract=mock.DEFAULT) as mocked:
-            utils.extract_layers_in_qcow2(layers_list, dest_dir, mock.Mock())
-        # Check actual calls
-        mocked['create_qcow2'].assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
-    ###################################
     # Tests for: get_image_dir()
     def test_utils_getimage_dir(self):

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