[virt-tools-list] Documentation

Paul Sutton zleap at disroot.org
Tue Apr 9 18:15:47 UTC 2019


I am the documentation editor for the ToriOS project (
http://torios.top/ ), this is a Debian stretch based distro for older
hardware,  it has both PAE and Non PAE kernels.

Documentation is here ( https://github.com/zleap/ToriosManualv2 )

My question however concerns virtual machine manager documentation.  As
part of the ToriOS manual there is a section on testing, for this users
clearly have 2 options 1 is to install fully or install in to a virtual
machine.  As virtual machine manager is a really good solution to this.

I have added how to install VMM but beyond that users who are testing
ToriOS should be capable of finding the docs,  searching is fine but you
can end up with out of date information.

I just wondered if you could please advise where the docs are and which
docs would be good to refer to.  I am just pointing to urls at the
moment with the bibliography so may need to add better citations for any

I am also trying to promote the opportunities there are with helping
with free software projects and specifically in this case writing
documentation, in the hope of finding people in my locality who can help
with this.  So if this project does need help then perhaps this search
would benefit you more directly.

Thank you for your time.

Paul Sutton

Paul Sutton
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