[PATCH] virtManager: Folder sharing implementation for SPICE session

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Thu Aug 13 16:22:53 UTC 2020

On 8/13/20 11:44 AM, Victor Toso wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 10:34:52AM +0800, dianlujitao wrote:
>> Thanks for reviewing.
>> I agree that it's a big mess to maintain its availability, do
>> you have connections with the SPICE team so there's chance to
>> work together to improve the protocol? Essentially virt-viewer
>> suffers from the same problem and can benefit from the
>> enhancement if it happens.
>> For the planned virt-viewer integration, since virt-manager's
>> built-in viewer has implemented most of virt-viewer's feature,
>> I don't quite understand the intuition behind, would that bring
>> much advantages over the built-in viewer?
> So, the problem is the client (virt-manager here) not being able
> to tell that "a sharing is happening now"? I think you can watch
> over "port-opened" [0] for that.
>     [0] https://www.spice-space.org/api/spice-gtk/SpicePortChannel.html#SpicePortChannel--port-opened

No, what we mean is some notification from spice that there is actually
a webdav agent listening/ready in the VM. Something akin to
agent-connected signal but for webdav or similar. Does that exist?

>> 鍦? 2020/8/13 涓婂崍4:29, Cole Robinson 鍐欓亾:
>>> On 7/25/20 9:30 AM, Jitao Lu wrote:
>>>>   * This implements folder sharing for the built-in Spice client, tested
>>>>     working with Win10 guest.
>>>>   * The basic idea is taken from virt-viewer.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Jitao Lu <dianlujitao at gmail.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>   ui/spicewebdav.ui                  | 129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>   ui/vmwindow.ui                     |  17 +++-
>>>>   virtManager/details/console.py     |   8 ++
>>>>   virtManager/details/spicewebdav.py |  60 ++++++++++++++
>>>>   virtManager/details/viewers.py     |  68 +++++++++++++++
>>>>   virtManager/vmwindow.py            |   8 ++
>>>>   6 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>>>   create mode 100644 ui/spicewebdav.ui
>>>>   create mode 100644 virtManager/details/spicewebdav.py
>>> This looks pretty good, thanks. The only bits I would like to add are:
>>> * Tooltip when the Menu item is disabled, indicating the reason it's not
>>> enabled: not using SPICE, or no webdav channel enabled
>>> * Probably a warning label in the dialog that webdav requires an agent
>>> running the guest OS.
>>> But honestly I'm trying to decide if this is worth it for
>>> virt-manager.  Generally these types of features that require
>>> external config just to get working are a big pain for
>>> support. spice doesn't have any mechanism that I can tell to
>>> inform us if anything is listening on the other side of the
>>> webdav channel so we can't give good feedback in the UI if
>>> this even has a chance of working. And specifically for spice
>>> features, per the design[1] document, anything advanced I
>>> would prefer to leave for virt-viewer to do (which obviously
>>> already handles this as you mention).  Because it's not
>>> something that works out of the box and requires external
>>> config, it's not a stretch to ask users to also use
>>> virt-viewer when they need it.
>>> [1]: https://github.com/virt-manager/virt-manager/blob/master/DESIGN.md
>>> So I'm unsure what to do. I was planning for the next release
>>> to investigate some ways to make it easier to use virt-viewer
>>> side by side with virt-manager, maybe an option to have
>>> virt-manager not autoconnect to the console, and possibly
>>> even a button or menu option to launch virt-viewer directly,
>>> but I need to play with it.
> IMHO, this is the way to go. I actually suggested the same thing
> to GNOME Boxes in the past.

Interesting, thanks for the comment.

- Cole

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