virt-install command line provide additional parameters. Automating KVM VM creation using automation tool

Kaushal Shriyan kaushalshriyan at
Sun May 10 05:29:03 UTC 2020


I am running the below command to spawn the KVM based VM instance.

#virt-install --name=openmonitoringdistributionlabs
--file-size=100 --nonsparse --vcpu=2 --ram=6096 --network=bridge:br0
--os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel7 --graphics none
Is there a way to provide the below settings in the command line instead of
manually setting 2) Time settings 3) Installation source 4) Software
selection 5) Installation Destination 8) Root password 9) User creation?


 1) [x] Language settings                 2) [!] Time settings
        (English (United States))                (Timezone is not set.)
 3) [!] Installation source               4) [!] Software selection
        (Processing...)                          (Processing...)
 5) [!] Installation Destination          6) [x] Kdump
        (No disks selected)                      (Kdump is enabled)
 7) [ ] Network configuration             8) [!] Root password
        (Not connected)                          (Password is not set.)
 9) [!] User creation
        (No user will be created)
  Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'b' to begin
installation |
  'r' to refresh]:

Is there a way to automate KVM VM instance creation as per the above
virt-install command using Ansible for example or any automation tool?
Please suggest. Thanks in advance and i look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

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