[Virtio-fs] Mount several mount tags in Windows using VirtioFS

Jonas Andradas j.andradas at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 16:14:44 UTC 2020


TL;DR - Is there a way to mount more than one filesystem from a Linux host
inside a Windows guest using VirtioFS?

I have a Windows guest running on a Linux host, and I wanted to share
several directories from the host inside the guest using VirtioFS.

I followed the instructions I found in several places [1][2][3], and have
installed the VirtioFS drivers and WinFPS. I first tried with one
filesystem, and I can mount it and browse it fine.

I then configured my Windows guest XML definition so it has 2 'filesystems'
to, each with its own mount_tag (e.g. 'software' for '/home/user/software'
and 'documents' for '/home/user/documents').  Windows shows 2 "Virtio FS
Devices" in the device manager, so this looks promising.

However, when I run 'virtiofs.exe' within Windows (or the service [1]
suggests starts), I get a "Z:" mount (or whichever letter I specify with
'-m <DRIVE>') with the first filesystem I specified ('software' in the
example above).  If I then run 'virtiofs.exe' for a second time, I get a
new mount (e.g. Y:), but with the same filesystem ('software', and not

I tried adding the mount_tag to the virtiofs.exe command line, or even
the PCI path Windows sees the devices on, but this fails (understandably
so, since the help does not indicate how to specify which filesystem should
be mounted).

My question was whether (and if so, how) it is actually possible to mount
more than one directory from the host inside a Windows guest using VirtioFS
(as can be done in Linux guests).

[1] https://virtio-fs.gitlab.io/howto-windows.html

Thank you very much in advance,

Jonás Andradas
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