[zanata/zanata-platform] 5186ce: feat(ZNTA-1735): add glossary to React editor (#21...

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Wed Apr 12 08:49:08 UTC 2017

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/zanata/zanata-platform
  Commit: 5186ce4a55aff0d0b27253763a96df8c4f3549dd
  Author: kathryngo <kgough at redhat.com>
  Date:   2017-04-12 (Wed, 12 Apr 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M api/zanata-common-api/src/main/java/org/zanata/rest/service/GlossaryResource.java
    M client/stub-server/src/main/java/org/zanata/rest/service/MockGlossaryResource.java
    M server/zanata-frontend/pom.xml
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/.storybook/config.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/.storybook/webpack.config.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/components/Icons/index.jsx.src
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/components/Modal/index.jsx
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/actions/glossary.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/actions/headerActions.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/actions/phrases.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/actions/suggestions.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/app.css
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossarySearchInput/index.css
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossarySearchInput/index.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossarySearchInput/story.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossaryTerm/index.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossaryTerm/story.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossaryTermModal/component.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossaryTermModal/index.css
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossaryTermModal/index.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/GlossaryTermModal/story.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/TransUnit/index.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/TransUnitTranslationFooter.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/TransUnitTranslationPanel.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/components/stories.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/containers/ControlsHeader.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/containers/GlossaryTab.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/containers/Root/index.css
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/containers/Root/index.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/containers/Sidebar/index.css
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/containers/SidebarContent.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/containers/SuggestionDetailsModal/index.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/css/utils-position/index.css
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/index.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/middlewares/selected-phrase-searches.js
    R server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/middlewares/selected-phrase-suggestion-search.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/reducers/glossary.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/reducers/headerData.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/reducers/index.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/reducers/phrase.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/reducers/ui.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/utils/api-util.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/utils/phrase.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/app/editor/utils/string-utils.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/makefile
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/package.json
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/webpack.dev.config.js
    A server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/webpack.dev.editor.config.js
    M server/zanata-frontend/src/frontend/yarn.lock
    M server/zanata-war/src/main/java/org/zanata/rest/service/GlossaryService.java
    A server/zanata-war/src/main/java/org/zanata/service/GlossarySearchService.java
    A server/zanata-war/src/main/java/org/zanata/service/impl/GlossarySearchServiceImpl.java
    M server/zanata-war/src/main/java/org/zanata/webtrans/server/rpc/GetGlossaryDetailsHandler.java
    M server/zanata-war/src/main/java/org/zanata/webtrans/server/rpc/GetGlossaryHandler.java
    A server/zanata-war/src/test/java/org/zanata/service/impl/GlossarySearchServiceImplTest.java
    M server/zanata-war/src/test/java/org/zanata/webtrans/server/rpc/GetGlossaryDetailsHandlerTest.java
    M server/zanata-war/src/test/java/org/zanata/webtrans/server/rpc/GetGlossaryHandlerJpaTest.java

  Log Message:
  feat(ZNTA-1735): add glossary to React editor (#216)

* chore: cs styling and icons added to Activity and Glossary tab titles (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: added styling for Glossary search to panel in Editor (ZNYA-1735)

* WIP: glossary styling for editor panel (ZNTA-1735)

* WIP: glossary styling for editor panel (ZNTA-1735)

* WIP: glossary styling for editor panel (ZNTA-1735)

* WIP: glossary styling for editor panel (ZNTA-1735)

* WIP: glossary styling for editor panel (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: minor css styling for glossary in editor panel (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: added glossary icon to editor and removed suggestions icon from editor header (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: reverted changed to Editor header, added Glossary button to header (ZNTA-1735)

* WIP: just added a comment

* feat(ZNTA-1735): move GlossarySearchInput component to fit new directory layout

* feat(ZNTA-1735): replace missing method in GlossarySearchInput

* feat(ZNTA-1735): add some dummy data to in-progress editor glossary component

* chore(frontend dev builds): fix rebuild for frontend and editor watch tasks

Something was going wrong with rebuild, even though the first build worked.
It seems like it was related to multiple-modules not playing well with
webpack-dev-server, so making separate configs with a single entrypoint each
did the trick.
Hot reload is still not working quite as expected - a refresh is still
needed - but this probably needs some more modules and config to make it
work. Better do that separately rather than complicate this fix.

* feat(ZNTA-1735): connect React editor glossary panel to API

* refactor(ZNTA-1735): split React editor glossary tab to separate file

* feat(ZNTA-1735): prevent errors for missing props on a component

Does not provide a full fix, but still has a warning about console
logging so that is a reminder to finish it.

* feat(ZNTA-1735): add storybook entry for GlossarySearchInput

* fix: added glossary tab heading to editor side panel (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: added glossary tab styling (ZNTA-1735)

* feat(ZNTA-1735): suppress glossary search for empty string

* FEAT(ZNTA-1735): toggle glossary with icon in header

* WIP: add glossary styling for search states (ZNTA-1735)

* feat(ZNTA-1735): limit glossary results in editor to 15

* fix: removed extra height from sidebar and fixed pagination issue in responsive editor layout (ZNTA-1735)(ZNTA-1821)

* feat(ZNTA-1735): wire up glossary icon on phrase in editor

Allows toggling glossary panel with the icon, and shows the current
glossary results count on the icon.

* chore: add loader for glossary search (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: removed glossary search dropdown from editor (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: removed glossary search dropdown from editor (ZNTA-1735)

* feat(ZNTA-1735): search glossary when a phrase is selected in React editor

The search is run but is not yet returning the expected results
due to an issue where phrases are not split up properly by the
search. This is a separate issue to fix.

* chore: add search icon to glossry search in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: added scrollbar to glossary table in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: minor css changes to editor glossary content (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: added ellipses to long glossay terms and expansion of long terms on hover (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: fix height of glossary in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: removed typo from css (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: responsive layout for editor glossary table

* WIP: glossary modal storybook entry

* WIP: glossary term modal styling (ZNTA-1735)

* chore(editor):add less to storybook webpack

* WIP: glossary term modal

* WIP: glossary details modal styling + height fix for glossary search input (ZNTA-1735)

* WIP: glossary details modal

* fix: added icons to storybook files

* chore: added css styling to glossary details modal (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: long glossary results flow over multiple lines, removed bugs (ZNTA-1735)

* fix: long glossary results flow over multiple lines, removed bugs (ZNTA-1735)

* chore: added tooltips to words in glossary (ZNTA_1735)

* added long string handling to words in glossary (ZNTA_1735)

* responsive styline of glossary table in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* minor styling fixes to glossary responsive layout in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* minor styling fixes to glossary responsive layout in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* minor styling fixes to glossary responsive layout in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* final styling fixes to glossary responsive layout in editor (ZNTA-1735)

* removed unnecessary width on glossary entry copy button in editor (ZNTA-1735-editorglossary)

* feat(ZNTA-1735): add glossary rest endpoint for editor

* feat(ZNTA-1735): editor glossary copy insert term at cursor/selection

* refactor and add bootstrap css to storybook

* test(glossary): add storybook entry for GlossaryTerm

* minor css fixes to glossary in editor

* removed redundant css

* minor css fixes to editor glossary panel

* test(editor-glossary): use valid markup for GlossaryTerm story

* updated Glossary Details modal in storybook & removed references to frontend css from storybook (ZNTA-1735)

* added icons to GlossaryTerm story + corrected table overrides introduced with glossart term modal (ZNTA-1735)

* feat(ZNTA-1735): show icons in storybook without duplicating icon svg

Including an <Icons /> component more than once in the component tree
will insert multiple copies of the icon svg onto the page. This will
bloat the memory use of the page, and could impact performance in
other ways.
The correct approach at the moment is to use .addDecorator in each
story.js file (for components that use any icons).

* feat(ZNTA-1735): configure storybook to always decorate with Icons

This centralized the inclusion of the <Icons /> component in every
component story, simulating the environment within the <Root/>
container that makes <Icons /> available.

* chore(storybook): ensure react-intl components will work in stories

react-intl components such as <FormattedDate/> and <FormattedTime/>
need to be nested somewhere under an <IntlProvider/> in order to work
without errors. This ensures that all stories have that context

* feat(ZNTA-1735): write GlossaryTermModal from hard-coded story markup

* chore(storybook): fix display of zanata-ui components in storybook

* feat(ZNTA-1735): add REST endpoint for glossary details

* feat(ZNTA-1735): use zanata-ui Modal for glossary details

* feat(ZNTA-1735): add glossary details modal to editor

* docs: fix typo in doc comment

* added Loader to Glossart Term Modal and made minor css tweaks where necessary (ZNTA-1735)

* refactor(ZNTA-1735): rename component module

* feat(ZNTA-1735): center glossary details loading indicator

* feat(ZNTA-1735): show correct glossary counts on phrases and glossary tab

* refactor(ZNTA-1735): remove unused story files

* info icon right aligned (ZNTA-1735)

* fix linting errors

* minor css edits

* WIP: fix failing tests

GetGlossaryHandlerJpaTest is still failing with a NullPointerException,
and the whole class needs to be renamed since it now tests GlossarySearchServiceImpl instead.

* fix(ZNTA-1735): allow glossary details modal to open without error

Bug introduced when making glossary counts refer to each row correctly.
The data structure holding glossary results changed and there were a
couple of places accessing the results that had not been updated to work
with the new data structure.

* ZNTA-1735 - fix unit test

* feat(ZNTA-1735): use exact version in package.json

* feat(ZNTA-1735): extract constants for some magic numbers

* feat(ZNTA-1735): add TODO for glossary details TypeHint

* refactor(ZNTA-1735): remove unused commented-out code

* feat(ZNTA-1735): remove test lines that are no longer relevant.

* fix target text positioning in editor glossary details table (ZNTA-1735)

* feat(ZNTA-1735): downgrade react-lorem-component version to match current React

We should update React, but need to do so cautiously to make sure frontend and
editor still work as expected.

* feat(ZNTA-1735): disable copy button when no glossary term translation is available

* feat(ZNTA-1735): minor css fixes to glossary term row in editor

* feat(ZNTA-1735): minor css fixes to glossary term row in editor

* chore(ZNTA-1735): update yarn version

Yarn seems to hang on Jenkins upon linking dependencies. Updating
to a version that works on my machine in case that helps.

* feat(ZNTA-1735): minor css fixes to glossary term row in editor

* feat(ZNTA-1735): minor css fixes to glossary term row in editor

* feat(ZNTA-1735): minor css fixes to glossary term row in editor

* feat(ZNTA-1735): minor css fixes to glossary term row in editor

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