[zanata-devel] Finding open source icons for Zanata

Sean Flanigan sflaniga at redhat.com
Thu Jul 7 04:22:51 UTC 2011

Hi all,

stackoverflow had a question on finding open source icons, and pointed
to a couple of decent-looking sites:
- http://findicons.com/
- http://www.iconfinder.com/

Here are searches for a Save icon, filtered by licence (commercial use
OK, no link required) and by size (16 pixels):
- http://findicons.com/search/save
- http://www.iconfinder.com/search/?q=save

Note that these filtered searches still return a lot of GPL matches.  I
think we should stick to public domain, LGPL, Apache 2.0, or Creative
Commons (CC BY), that sort of thing.

Obviously, we should double-check the licence before committing anything
to our git repo, and add credits in the README.  Keep an eye out for a
good icon library we might be able to use; we don't want to be adding a
README credit for every single icon!

It's possible we'll want to replace some of the icons, at some point,
for reasons of style.  That's fine.  But we should at least prepare a
set of placeholder icons so that we won't have to design any more new UI
features with text buttons.

Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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