[zanata-devel] new frontend module in zanata server

Patrick Huang pahuang at redhat.com
Wed Jun 17 01:22:23 UTC 2015

Hi guys, 

We added a new maven module "frontend" for all (hopefully) frontend javascript projects that are used by zanata server. There is a README for that module at https://github.com/zanata/zanata-server/tree/master/frontend 
When you run mvn install, it will download node and npm locally and store it under your ~/Download (overrideable) and run npm to build the bundle. A few more profiles that may come in handy: 

-DnpmOffline : This will try to use your local cache if it's available. If you have run it without this profile once, it should have everything you need in your local npm cache. 
-DexcludeFrontend: If maven is ran from server module, this profile will excluding building the frontend module. But you need to have the frontend.jar available in your local maven repo or remote repo. You can run mvn install on frontend first to make sure it's in your local repo. 

Patrick Huang 
Senior Software Engineer 
Engineering - Internationalisation 
Red Hat, Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd 
Level 1, 193 North Quay 
Brisbane 4000 
Office: +61 7 3514 8278 
Fax: +61 7 3514 8199 
IRC: pahuang 
github: github.com/huangp 
Website: www.redhat.com 

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