[zanata-devel] batch mode - mac

Luca Perino iphoneyukh at gmail.com
Mon May 18 15:43:33 UTC 2015


i want to push a file to server and i’m running the following command on a Mac Teminal

zanata-cli push -B -l en --file-types "txt" --merge-type “auto"

After some time Zanata show me:
[INFO] Found source documents:
[INFO]            Localizable.txt
This will overwrite existing documents on the server.

Are you sure (y/n)? 

asking me to enter y/n.
I want to automatize the script and i can’t answer.
I’ve set -B (also tried —batch-mode)  but always, it prompts to me the questions.

How can i disable the prompt?
Any help?


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