[zanata-users] release version 1.3.0 of zanata-python-client

Manuel Ospina mospina at redhat.com
Thu Aug 25 00:47:27 UTC 2011

Hello James,

Thank you for the new release. I tried to update the package but it seems it's not in the repositories yet. Can you please send me the URL of koji where I can get the RPM?


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Ni" <jni at redhat.com>
To: "zanata-list" <zanata-list at redhat.com>, "Manuel Eduardo Ospina Sarmiento" <mospina at redhat.com>, "Yu Shao" <yshao at redhat.com>, "Sean Flanigan" <sflaniga at redhat.com>, "Jens-Ulrik Petersen" <petersen at redhat.com>, "Yi Chen, Ding" <dchen at redhat.com>
Cc: "zanata-users" <zanata-users at redhat.com>, "zanata-devel" <zanata-devel at redhat.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 3:22:50 PM
Subject: release version 1.3.0 of zanata-python-client


I just make a new package for zanata python client, version 1.3.0, for RHEL 5, 6, Fedora 14 and Fedora 15. You can find them on koji or using yum install to install it.
If you are interested in source code, please download source code from github: https://github.com/zanata/zanata-python-client, please note that the source code on my personal repo: https://github.com/jamesni is old and may not update frequently. 

The main improvement for 1.3.0:
-Add support for import and export fuzzy entry 
-Add python-httplib2-0.4.0-5.el6 requirement, since python-httplib2 have some issues with python 2.6 on RHEL 6 
-Change project type to gettext for software and podir for publican 
-Add --version and -V options to display python client version

There are some features will be implemented in the next release soon:
--msgctxt support
  python client doesn't support it in current version and server also doesn't store the msgctxt
--locale mapping
  we will try to add locale mapping in zanata.xml or processing it on server side.
--project type
  This info will include in zanata.xml
--glossary support
  We will use python client to push glossary to server 

If you have any concerns or issues about the python client, please send to me or send to zanata-list at redhat.com and zanata-users at redhat.com
You can also find me (nickname: jni) on #l10n channel on IRC. Thanks.

Best Regards
James Ni

Manuel Ospina
Supervisor, Localization Services
Red Hat Asia-Pacific
Phone: +61 7 3514 8112

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