[zanata-users] Language team changes in Zanata 1.4.2

Sean Flanigan sflaniga at redhat.com
Mon Oct 31 02:24:06 UTC 2011

Dear Zanata users,

Due to a policy change on translate.zanata.org (together with the
upgrade to Zanata 1.4.2), some users have been removed from locale
teams.  Language teams can now have coordinators who can add and remove
members from the team.

If this has affected you, please visit the languages page -
https://translate.zanata.org/zanata/language/list - find your language,
and click "Request To Join Team".  This will let you send a message to
the team coordinator (or the server admin).  Please include some
information about yourself and your experience with translation work to
help the coordinator evaluate your request.


Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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