[zanata-users] zh_Hans_CN zh_CN, zanata.xml, etc

Adrian Likins alikins at redhat.com
Tue May 22 13:23:36 UTC 2012

On 05/21/2012 09:16 PM, Ding Yi Chen wrote:
>>> The latest one from
>>> https://translate.zanata.org/zanata/project/view/subscription-manager/iter/0.99.X/config
>>> is different. Amongst other things, it get's weird of the weird
>>> pt-BR
>>> entry above, and now
>>> just includes a pt_BR (which is nice and 100%), and a pt_PT which
>>> is not
>>> as much (which
>>> is fine, since it's not a supported lang).
>>> So updating the zanata.xml, and doing a zanata pull fixes the pt_BR
>>> issues.
>>> Question 1: how often do the zanata.xml's change, and what's the
>>> best
>>> way to insure
>>> I have the latest one?
>> Zanata will generate zanata.xml whenever you click that button.  You
>> can
>> ignore it if you like, it's just there to help with creating
>> zanata.xml
>> initially.  But basically, the contents will change when the chosen
>> locales on the server change.  NB: The zanata.xml generated by Zanata
>> never includes any map-from attributes, like<locale
>> map-from="pt">pt-BR</locale>.  I don't know where that came from,
>> you'd
>> have to look at your source control history.
>> If someone changes the locales associated with the project, they
>> should
>> update zanata.xml (probably by hand) and commit it to source control
>> if
>> they want to push/pull those locales.
>>> Question 2: Our supported languages include zh_CN and zh_TW, and
>>> this is how
>>> we have tested (LANG=zh_CN.UTF8, etc). The latest zanata.xml and
>>> zanata tool
>>> however creates zh_Hans_CN.po and zh_Hant_TW.po. Installing these
>>> breaks LANG=zh_CN.UTF8. LANG=zh_Hans_CN.UTF8 also breaks
>>> subscription-manager
>>> client code in a way that suggest it's not setting the text
>>> encoding
>>> correctly for
>>> that case.
> I have written a small utility named: zanata-util.
> It has a script, zanata_zanata_xml_make, address these kinds of problems by
> firstly download zanata.xml from server to retrieve the server supported locales,
> then provide the nessary map-from attribute by look up the existing .po files
> or output of locale -a

Interesting, I'll grab it from epel and give it a shot. That sounds like
exactly what I was looking for.


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