[Ansible-service-broker] Fwd: NOTICE: A couple large features hitting master today

Erik Nelson ernelson at redhat.com
Thu Jul 13 21:27:39 UTC 2017


The bind PRs were merged and I pushed a new broker image to
ansibleplaybookbundle org.

I rebuilt and pushed apb-base, rhscl-postgresql-apb, and
mediawiki123-apb. I'm not famiilar
with the other examples, but it's likely they'll also need rebuilds
from the Dockerfile-src files.
If someone can confirm that, I can rebuild the other images.

All existing images were backed up with a tag 07132013.

I'm going to try to run through a vanilla catasb regression run from
the ansibleplaybookbundle
org tonight to make sure things are looking good.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Nelson <ernelson at redhat.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 4:01 PM
Subject: NOTICE: A couple large features hitting master today
To: ansible-service-broker at redhat.com

We're going to be merging the change to credential extraction; it's a
couple PRs across the broker and apb-examples repo. Since there are
apb-base changes, we'll need to be rebuild and push all the apbs


Following this, we're hoping to merge an open feature branch either
today or tomorrow that brings in multi-registry support, as well as
white/blacklisting of apbs on a registry basis.


It's possible there may be some bumps along the way. Please raise any
objections to this or issues in IRC or on this list.


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