[Ansible-service-broker] broker latest tag isn't using the latest rpm

Ryan Hallisey rhallise at redhat.com
Fri Jul 21 18:44:00 UTC 2017

Hey folks,

There are 2 independent triggers we use: 1) copr (rpm build trigger)
2) dockerhub (automatic container builds).

When a new PR merges, copr builds a new rpm and the broker image is
build.  Since these jobs are independent, it's possible the docker
container could be build and tagged before the rpm has been built.
This can result in the ansible-service-broker:latest image being one
patch behind ansible-service-broker:canary.

A possible fix would be to trigger the build from copr so we only have
one trigger in place. But that's assuming copr can perform a curl
operation as part of the build process. And I don't know if it can.

I'm open to other possible solutions. But in the meantime, if there's
an issue with an image switch to the canary tag.


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