[Ansible-service-broker] Minimal script to get oc cluster up working with service catalog and ansible service broker

jesus m. rodriguez jesusr at redhat.com
Fri Jul 21 21:13:31 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2017-07-21 at 15:34 -0400, John Matthews wrote:
> Created this PR to add the script and update the README.
> https://github.com/openshift/ansible-service-broker/pull/296
> I put the script at the project root, I thought it might be confusing
> putting it in 'scripts', since all the files in 'scripts' are more
> developer focused.

HA! that was my first comment when I clicked the PR link. I'd rather
keep all the scripts in the scripts directory. 

There aren't any scripts in the root dir right now. We have the readme,
Makefile, rpm spec, and glide. Anyone cloning this repo will likely be
trying to develop on it.

If they are visiting the repo and reading the documentation, they will
see the link to the script living in scripts. Actually they probably
won't even notice where it is, since they'll just click the link.

We can create a bin/ directory if we want to make it stand out, but
honestly I think scripts will be fine. -1 to root.


jesus m. rodriguez          | jesusr at redhat.com
principal software engineer | irc: zeus
red hat systems management  | 919.754.4413 (w)
rhce # 805008586930012      | 919.623.0080 (c)
|   "you will be assimilated;                 |
|                  resistance is futile"      |
|                        -- Borg              |

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