[Devtools] Rename ADB to Project Atomic Developer Bundle (PADB) see issue #495

Brian Exelbierd bex at pobox.com
Mon Aug 8 12:30:55 UTC 2016


This proposal is the result of four talks and lots of hallway
conversations that I have had about the ADB. Many audience members seem
to "short circuit" because the name is already in use by the Android
Debug Bridge and the Asian Development Bank[0]. This short-circuit
prevents meaningful conversations and instead turns deep rabbit holes
about names being hard.

I was discussing this with @veillard and he suggested we just tack on a
'P' to the front for "Project Atomic." We riffed on this a bit and
seemed to like it.

The formal proposal is to rename this sub-project to "Project Atomic
Developer Bundle" to be pronounced as two words, "pad bee" (pad-b).

This change seems minimally invasive and would allow us to move
conversations past the existing name colliding projects.



[0] In full disclosure, no one, other than google.com, has suggested the

Please continue the conversation in this issue:

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