[dm-devel] Location for the definition of dm_task

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Mon Sep 12 12:54:21 UTC 2022

Dne 12. 09. 22 v 7:55 Pra.. Dew.. napsal(a):
> I see that in libdevmapper.c 
> <https://gitlab.com/cryptsetup/cryptsetup/-/blob/master/lib/libdevmapper.c#L266> 
> following line is defined
> struct||dm_task|*|dmt|;|
> ||
> |I cannot seem to find out where is dm_task and associated functions are 
> actually defined? I do not see them in the libdevmapper library headers and 
> .c files. Thank you for all the guidance.|


This structure is private to libdevmapper only usage.  Access to struct 
members is provided only via  public functions.

You  can always look at source files  - libdm/ioctl/libdm-targets.h  -  but as 
mentioned earlier - forget about using a copy of this struct in your tools - 
there is only public access - as the structure content may freely change 
between release of libdevmapper - which would have made you binary incompatible.



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