[dm-devel] setting up dmverity using device mapper IOCTLs

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Mon Sep 12 13:01:40 UTC 2022

Dne 10. 09. 22 v 20:46 Pra.. Dew.. napsal(a):
> Hello,
> I need to setup dm-verity from my program-basically mount verity enabled 
> filesystems from my code. I have looked at veritysetup and devicemapper 
> (libdm) library. I was wondering if there is some simple C code to use the 
> DM IOCTLs directly to setup verity. Any guidance to directly use the dm 
> IOCTLs or libdm would also be helpful. Thank you for the guidance.


I'd recommend  to exec "dmsetup"  call - as that's by far the simplest 
solution for your problem.

Verity tool should supposedly solve 'compatibility' between various versions 
and various capabilities of driver.

What is the idea behind redevelopment of this tool by your  C code  (as 
clearly you should then do the same thing as verity tool)  ?


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