ext3 limits?

Juri Haberland juri at koschikode.com
Fri May 2 21:31:51 UTC 2008

Theodore Tso wrote:
> Juri, would you have any objections to moving the FAQ to
> ext4.wiki.kernel.org? [...]

No, not at all!

> With your permission, we can mirror the questions onto
> ext4.wiki.kernel.org, amd then if you would be willing to put a
> redirect to new location, that would be great.

Sure, please do so.
Please correct me, if I'm wrong: I understand your offer also as an
offer to maintain the FAQ in the future. If you want me to maintain the
FAQ furthermore, I'll do so, but actually, I'd be glad to pass this
responsibility on ;)

When you have set up the new FAQ just give me a note and I'll set up a
301 redirect.

- Juri

PS: a tiny link back to my site would be much appreciated, but not
necessary ;)

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