[Fedora-ia64-list] F8 for ia64 now available

John L. Bass jbass at dmsd.com
Mon Dec 10 20:50:53 UTC 2007

Doug writes:
> While GUI installs may not work on some systems we do have usable bits
> when installed in text mode.  The vast majority of ia64 servers have no
> graphics head at all.  Also, keep in mind that we are still at the
> developmental stage for Fedora-ia64.

I do not believe that "The vast majority of ia64 servers have no graphics
head at all". Many may not require a direct attached display in a rack,
but at the same time many are configured with at least a KVM. Certainly
all the SR870 reference platform machines have video standard. My SR870's
in the cluster all have KVM access, and it's SIGNIFICANLY prefered to use
a GUI console than a crappy text 80x24 curses interface.

Second, text mode tools are not actively supported and tested at the same
level as GUI tools are in major milestone Fedora releases. Little of the
functionality offered in GUI tools has equivalent curses tools these days.

I believe strongly that GUI is not optional anymore.

Even with anaconda installs, many of the additional packages I took the
time to install with the text install did not get installed. It took a
very long time reading down the installed package list to finally get
the installs complete. The is a total crock, waste of time, and frustrating.
At least the GUI install, installs exactly what's offered and selected, and
the packages that are not offered, you know that you need to go back and
install afterward with yum.

So, from that prospective ... HAVING to text install is just broken,
and any excuse otherwise is a crock and was of valuable end-user time.


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