[Fedora-users-br] Fwd: Fedora 8 and 9 updates status

Cristiano Furtado jasonnfedora em gmail.com
Sex Set 5 16:38:18 UTC 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jesse Keating <jkeating em redhat.com>
Date: 05/09/2008 13:09
Subject: Fedora 8 and 9 updates status
To: fedora-devel-announce em redhat.com, fedora-announce-list em redhat.com

As you well know, we have been working hard to get updates for 8 and 9
flowing again, complete with new package signing keys.  Discussion has
been somewhat quiet on this front as we've all had our heads down and
have been working hard toward a solution, one that involves little to no
manual effort on behalf of our users.

Today we've reached a major milestone in this progress.  We have done a
successful compose of all the existing and as of yesterday pending
updates for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9, all signed with our new keys.  These
updates will soon hit mirrors in a new set of directory locations.  What
we don't have quite yet is the updated fedora-release package in the old
updates location that will get you the new keys and the new repo
locations.  The last mile testing of this update requires that new
updates be live on the mirrors.

Due to the size of the resigned updates, it may take a good while for
our sync process.  This may delay getting the new fedora-release out
until tomorrow, but we'll be working hard on it.

While we're working on this update, we'll also be drafting a FAQ page to
explain to users what it is that we're doing, and hopefully answer some
of the questions that will come up.  This document will be living
though, and as you encounter questions yourself, or questions via one of
our many avenues of support (email, IRC, forums, LUGS, etc..) please
help us in growing that document.  Announcements regarding the location
of said document and how to help with content will be coming shortly.

We deeply appreciate the enormous magnitude of patience you the greater
community has shown us the Fedora project as we work though these
serious issues.  It is a great testament to how wonderful it is to work
in and with the Fedora community.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating

fedora-announce-list mailing list
fedora-announce-list em redhat.com

Cristiano Furtado
Gerente de TI - Projetos de Software Livre
Embaixador do Fedora no Brasil

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